Monday, September 16, 2013

AFSCME Ratifies Contract With St. Louis County

AFSCME negotiators announced that union members have voted to accept St. Louis County’s latest contract offer, preventing a strike by two-thirds of the county’s workforce.     

“We forced the county to drop its demand for a divisive two-tier contract,” said Steve Kniefel, who leads AFSCME’s negotiating team.  “We put the county on notice that AFSCME won’t cave into union-busting tactics that pit worker against worker.”

The settlement has the county accepting AFSCME’s offer on accumulated sick leave. The county wanted to reduce the maximum banked sick leave from 1,900 hours to 1,150 hours for new employees. The union countered with 1,500 hours for all employees, present and future, except those who have already earned sick leave over the new cap.

Union members voted on the deal at worksites Thursday. They had the option to vote yes and ratify the contract, or vote no and reauthorize a strike.

AFSCME Local 66 represents 1,005 of the county’s 1,620 employees.  Members in the “basic civil service” and “merit” bargaining units had been working under an expired contract since Dec. 31, 2011. They provide public assistance to families, protect children and vulnerable adults, inspect roads and bridges, clean public buildings, and perform clerical duties that make county government work well for its citizens.


Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I think if you are working for people such as vulnerable adults, people with disabilities, young mothers, families, etc, it's your responsibility to go to work. I understand sick days happen, but 1500 hours is a lot of sick days and I feel like the County's services are needed for a lot of people in the area. Not everybody can just buck up and get a job - if you get a job, you should actually go to work.

Calvin M said...

So anyone who works with, I dunno, other people have to take every cut so some rich people can have another tax break?

Lets flip that on its head, "with all due respect, if you're well off and rich, you should contribute your share so that vulnerable adults, the disables, etc. can be properly taken care of."