Saturday, February 1, 2014

About Us

The Northern Worker is a publication seeks to cover the class struggle in the Northland and beyond.  We strive to cover and promote the anti-war, labor, anti-racist, feminist, environmental, queer, student and other social movements.  We believe that through such movements working people develop the experience and confidence necessary to become the revolutionaries who will change the world.  We seek to be a resource for workers and activists.  

The Northern Worker is committed to the emancipation of workers and the oppressed.  We strive to build movements and coalitions that challenge the various injustices that capitalism inflicts upon us.  In the process we hope to bring activists together from different backgrounds into a revolutionary organization capable of overthrowing the capitalist system and replacing it with socialism.


-snail mail: 1506 N. 19th Street, Superior WI 54880
-the Northern Worker on Facebook:
-weekly activist calendar:!aboutgroup/northernworker

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