socialist vision is for a world based on peaceful collaboration and
international cooperation of working class people — not the exploiters who rule
Socialists call for the common ownership of the world’s resources, with their use and distribution under the democratic control of the world’s peoples.
Socialists strive to create an egalitarian and democratic government, organized and controlled from the bottom up, which facilitates people’s active participation in making decisions about how society is run.
Socialists are for the protection of the world’s ecological systems, and for putting science to work to sustain life, rather than destroy it in the pursuit of profit.
We strive to create a society where human relations are based on respect, equality and dignity of all peoples, not the racism, sexism or homophobia that permeates capitalist society.
What We Stand For:
Defend unions and workers’ rights to organize!
For an independent labor party based on a democratic, fighting labor
Stop all deportations now! Amnesty and
equal rights for immigrants. No border
wall. No Muslim ban. No refugee ban. Close the camps.
Black Living Matter! Jail killer
cops. Dismantle the racist police and
the criminal “justice” system.
Reparations for African-Americans.
Self-determination for Puerto Rico!
Cancel the debt. Reparations for
all indigenous and colonized communities.
Reproductive justice! Free, accessible
contraception and abortion on demand.
For the right and resources to raise healthy children.
Quality, free public child care and elder care, 24-7! Free education from cradle to grave.
7. Full civil and human rights for the LGBTQIA+
Free, quality universal public health care now!
Climate justice! Public ownership of the
energy industry under workers’ and community control to achieve emergency
conversion to 100% renewable energy.
10. No U.S. military intervention abroad! Dismantle the U.S. war machine. End U.S. aid to Israel. End the sanctions on Venezuela, Iran and
Cuba. For a democratic and secular
For the full integration of disabled people into social, political and economic
life, and the abolition of the conditions that exacerbate disability.
Public ownership of big industry, transport and the banks, and put them under
control of the workers. No support for
Democrats and Republicans. For a
worker’s government. For socialism!
Essays on Socialist Theory, Strategy & History:
-Introduction to Socialism
-Why We Need a Labor Party
-No to the Democrats! For a Labor Party!
-A Working Class Plan of Action to Confront the Economic Crisis
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