Superior Police Department has just acquired an MRAP armored personnel carrier.
MRAP stands for Mine Resistant Ambush Projected. With a armored, v shaped hull,
they're designed to be able to not only withstand small arms fire, but also
mines and other improvised explosive devices. The concept and design was
pioneered by the white supremacist regimes of Rhodesia and South Africa in the 1970s and 80s for use
against protesters and guerilla freedom fighters.
At a time
when social services are being cut to the core, when our basic infrastructure
is deteriorating, and the so-called economic recovery continues to elude the
working class, is this really what our community needs? A mine proof armored
car? It's time we re-ordered our priorities. Say no to the militarization of
the police! Say no to misallocation of our public resources! Lets sell this
damn thing for scrap and build a homeless shelter with the proceeds!
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