the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our
demands for social justice, to become more militant in our defense of
vulnerable populations. Those who still defend the supremacy of white
male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out.
next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be 1,459 days of
resistance: Resistance on the ground, resistance in the classrooms,
resistance on the job, resistance in our art and in our music.
is just the beginning and in the words of the inimitable Ella Baker,
‘We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.’ Thank
you.” This was Angela Davis concluding her remarks at the Women’s
March on Washington on 21 January 2017. (For the full transcript see
worldwide women’s marches on 21 January 2017 were a historic event.
For the first time since the anti-war demonstrations of 15 February
2003, millions of people in different countries and on all seven
continents demonstrated on the same day and for the same reasons,
both in a gesture of international solidarity but also an
understanding how the same political dynamics are at play
internationally. [1]
the U.S. the level of mobilization outstripped the 2003 antiwar
demonstrations and in Britain rivalled that level.
marches were initiated and led by and mobilized majoritarily women.
While the spark was the election of Trump as U.S. president and
reaction to the announced and probable attacks on women’s rights in
that country under his administration, the international response was
also provoked by the attacks and fears of attacks on those same
rights by women around the world. The rising tides of far-right and
religious reaction are underlining the fact that women’s rights—to
choose, to work, to live their lives as they wish—are never
definitely won.
the impetus came from women—of all ages, women of colour, ethnic
minority women, migrant women, women with disabilities—defending
their rights, the marches also mobilized those concerned by the
attacks to come from the Trump administration—and similar political
forces around the world—on migrants’ rights, on Black rights, on
the environment.
the U.S. the mobilization had a truly mass nature—as is witnessed
by the list of mobilizations that has been compiled. [2]
Even the protests of a few dozen, indeed sometimes a few individuals,
are recorded, showing the extent to which the desire to stand up and
be counted against Trump and his policies sank deep.
course, such a spontaneous mobilization was extremely heterogeneous,
bringing into the same marches radical feminists, Democrats and
Clinton supporters, Black rights activists, radical anti-capitalist
left forces. That was an enormous achievement notably in the U.S.,
but also at a worldwide level.
left commentators because of this have tended to dismiss the
significance of these demonstrations, arguing that they were
dominated by bourgeois, white, liberal, pro-Democrat forces. That
such forces were present and may well have taken the initiative is
undeniable. But all the reports from around the world underline the
fact that many, many of the demonstrators were young, spontaneous and
new to mobilizing. What could be a worse tactic for the diverse
feminist, anti-capitalist left than to leave those people only in
dialogue with liberal, mainstream, institutional feminists.
Susan Pashkoff writing for Socialist
Resistance in
Britain says: It
is essential that socialist feminists and the left participate in
this movement and not just criticise from the outside. We need to be
there, shifting the boundaries further to the left, to support the
demands of working-class women, women of colour, LGBTQ comrades and
disabled women. We need to make certain that this potential movement
is not seized by those that would subvert its aims to further the
needs of mainstream political parties and the liberal feminist
movement. [3]
need for the marches to be of all women, and in particular those that
suffer, and have suffered, the most sharply from oppression,
exploitation and discrimination—that is, Black and ethnic minority
women, LGBTQ people, disabled women, working-class women—was
expressed strongly from the outset. The “Guiding Vision and
Definition of Principles” in the U.S. were far broader than those
of liberal feminism and addressed the demands and struggles of women
of colour and working class women.[4]
efforts were made to ensure that the organizers (co-chairs) [5]
at a national level in the U.S. reflected this diversity, but as with
any living movement, such efforts will have to continue if an ongoing
movement is to develop out of this surge of protest.
pointed out, “If you expect this nascent movement to understand the
fact that it is at the intersections of race, class and gender that
women’s oppression is felt the hardest, then we need to be there
ensuring that the voices of women of colour, working-class women,
LGBTQ people, and disabled women are heard and their demands are
taken on board. It is a nascent movement, if you expect that they
will not make errors or put out wrong slogans, you are asking far too
the movement, if it is to grow in to the powerful protest movement
for social justice called for by Angela Davis in her speech in
Washington, will have to go beyond this organized diversity to become
an expression of the fights and struggles of women against all forms
of oppression, exploitation and discrimination.[6]
movements take time and effort to grow and to build. As the Marxist
feminist author Cinzia Arruzza wrote on 22 January:
mobilizations almost never begin when we expect them, almost never
have the features we would expect or consider as politically
adequate, almost never have political coherence, they are not free of
the social contradictions and divisions that are present in society,
or of the cultural prejudices and political shortcomings that
characterize them. They are not magical events disconnected from the
continuum of social life, although they have the capacity and
potentiality of creating discontinuity and breaks. They are messy,
contradictory processes, where the outcomes are not given in advance
and solidarity is something to be achieved.
last 48 hours have shown the potentiality for a new season of mass
mobilization, and that this happened especially in a day of women’s
mobilizations is even more relevant. Of course, a possible, perhaps
likely, scenario is that the Democratic Party and its surrogates will
end up taming, coopting and eventually kill this potentiality.
the relevant decision we should make is whether we want to already
sing the funeral eulogy of a mobilization that could be or whether we
want to be true to our desire to change this world and have a serious
non-moralistic political analysis of the limitations, composition and
potential of these last two days, and of what we should do and how in
order to help the growth and radicalization of the struggle.[7]
is the challenge facing feminist, anti-capitalist forces in the U.S.
and around the world in the wake of this wave of protest. What is at
stake, and also the possibilities opened up, are undoubtedly greater
in the immediate in the U.S. But as women around the world fight to
defend and extend their rights, this protest movement is a sign of
the possibilities to build their own movements, whether for the right
to abortion in Ireland and Poland, against violence in India and
South Africa, against feminicide in Mexico, and for women’s rights
as human rights everywhere.
cannot be deleted like web pages
rights activist Angela Davis spoke at the Women’s March on
Washington on Saturday in front of a crowd of hundreds of thousands
who gathered in the nation’s capital to protest the Trump
administration. Davis, who is known for writing such books as Women,
Race, and Class, made a passionate call for resistance and asked the
audience to become more militant in their demands for social justice
over the next four years of Trump’s presidency.
the Full Transcript Of Angela Davis’s Women’s March Speech:
a challenging moment in our history, let us remind ourselves that we
the hundreds of thousands, the millions of women, trans-people, men
and youth who are here at the Women’s March, we represent the
powerful forces of change that are determined to prevent the dying
cultures of racism, hetero-patriarchy from rising again.
recognize that we are collective agents of history and that history
cannot be deleted like web pages. We know that we gather this
afternoon on indigenous land and we follow the lead of the first
peoples who despite massive genocidal violence have never
relinquished the struggle for land, water, culture, their people. We
especially salute today the Standing Rock Sioux.
freedom struggles of Black people that have shaped the very nature of
this country’s history cannot be deleted with the sweep of a hand.
We cannot be made to forget that Black lives do matter. This is a
country anchored in slavery and colonialism, which means for better
or for worse the very history of the United States is a history of
immigration and enslavement. Spreading xenophobia, hurling
accusations of murder and rape and building walls will not erase
history. No human being is illegal.
struggle to save the planet, to stop climate change, to guarantee the
accessibility of water from the lands of the Standing Rock Sioux, to
Flint, Michigan, to the West Bank and Gaza. The struggle to save our
flora and fauna, to save the air—this is ground zero of the
struggle for social justice.
is a women’s march, and this women’s march represents the promise
of feminism as against the pernicious powers of state violence. And
inclusive and intersectional feminism that calls upon all of us to
join the resistance to racism, to Islamophobia, to anti-Semitism, to
misogyny, to capitalist exploitation.
we salute the fight for 15. We dedicate ourselves to collective
resistance. Resistance to the billionaire mortgage profiteers and
gentrifiers. Resistance to the health care privateers. Resistance to
the attacks on Muslims and on immigrants. Resistance to attacks on
disabled people. Resistance to state violence perpetrated by the
police and through the prison industrial complex. Resistance to
institutional and intimate gender violence, especially against trans
women of color.
rights are human rights all over the planet, and that is why we say
freedom and justice for Palestine. We celebrate the impending release
of Chelsea Manning. And Oscar López Rivera. But we also say free
Leonard Peltier. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal. Free Assata Shakur.
the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our
demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of
vulnerable populations. Those who still defend the supremacy of white
male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out.
next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be 1,459 days of
resistance: Resistance on the ground, resistance in the classrooms,
resistance on the job, resistance in our art and in our music.
is just the beginning and in the words of the inimitable Ella Baker,
’We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.’ Thank
you.” — Angela
Many photos, videos and articles have reported on the demonstrations.
For a taste see The
Huffington Post “38
Stunning Photos From Women’s Marches Around The World”.
See here.
Susan Pashkoff, Socialist
Resistance, “Are
we witnessing a moment or a movement?”. See on the routes
proposed for the movement: “May the angry women return home the day
after the march to lead us toward a women-led hybrid movement-party
in every state that is disciplined enough to govern, militantly local
and single-mindedly devoted to actualizing a force capable of seizing
control of city councils and mayorships during midterm elections
across America in preparation for an electoral coup against the
presidency in 2020.”, Micah White, The
19 January 2017, “Without
a path from protest to power, the Women’s March will end up like
Occupy”. Experiences as varied as those of the PT in municipal
government in Brazil and Podemos in th Spanish state have shown that
it is not so easy to wield “power” even at a municipal level.
See the “Guiding Vision and Definition of Principles” here.
See here.
The organizers have understood this point and are addressing it in
their fashion, see Susan Chira and Jonathan Martin, 22 January
2017 New
York Times, “After
Success of Women’s March, a Question Remains: What’s Next?”.
Cinzia Arruzza is author of “Dangerous Liaisons: The marriages and
divorces of Marxism and Feminism” available here.
>> The article above was written by Penelope
Duggan, a member of the bureau of the Fourth International and
editor of the on-line journal International Viewpoint.
See http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article4842 –
forum. She is a member of the New Anti-capitalist Party in France. of
the NPA in France.
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