Sunday, September 11, 2011

Palestine Film Series in Duluth This Fall

We are pleased to announce that this Fall there will be an engaging film series on pressing issue the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at Duluth's Zinema Theater.  The series will consist of four films by Yulie Cohen and Anna Baltzer that take a probing look at the complex layers of this conflict.  Following each movie there will be an open discussion.  All of the film showings will be held on Mondays, and will begin at 7pm.  Here is a listing of the films, and the dates they'll be shown on:

> September 26: "My Land Zion" by Yulie Cohen

> October 3: "My Terrorist" by Yulie Cohen

> October 10: "My Israel" by Yulie Cohen

> October 17: "Life Inside Occupied Palestine" by Anna Baltzer

These events are free, though a good will donation would be much appreciated.  The Zinema is located at 222 E. Superior Street in downtown Duluth.  Free parking is available at the parking ramp behind the Sheraton Hotel.

The sponsor of this series, the Break the Bonds Campaign, is a group dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of the Palestinian people, and campaigning to get the state of Minnesota to divest of its Israeli government bonds.  To find our more about the BBC, you can contact us at

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