Sunday, November 20, 2011

Occupy Duluth Statement to Duluth Police

Despite an initially helpful and cooperative attitude towards the Occupy Duluth movement, recently the police and the city of Duluth have shifted gears.  They are now saying that they are opposed to letting anyone sleep over night at the protest camp that has been erected at the Civic Center, to letting the camp use city electricity, and having more than one tent up at a time.  Below is a statement issued by Occupy Duluth to the Duluth Police Department.  Please also note that on Monday, Nov. 21 at 10am the police have indicated that they will be coming to the Civic Center encampment for an inspection and a meeting with protesters.  If you can, please show up at the camp Monday morning to help us save the encampment!  


Occupy Duluth would like to first sate that we stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and the movements in cities across the globe. It should however, be expressly stated that we are NOT a political or social organization, nor are we aiming to trump any other movement or cause. This is a movement FOR and BY the people. The people are not “camping”. Rather, this is an encampment of citizens assembling to petition our redress of grievances. We would like to ask; where are the people able to assemble to petition our government when no adequate space has been provided for us? It should also be noted that there is no curfew on our Constitution.

We would like to remind the DPD and City of Duluth officials about the conversation that went on in the Occupy Duluth living room on 11.07.11. This is when and where the concerns addressed in the statement presented to the 99% during our General Assembly on 11.16.11 were already discussed. The occupiers are well aware of and addressing these stated concerns, taking it upon ourselves in full self awareness – outside of your suggestions – to implement our own plans to address our safety as well as the well-being of our community and its land.

We would like to remind our officials that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and therefore overrides local ordinances and laws. We will not easily comply with obtaining a permit to assemble. We will adamantly stand by the fact that we have the inalienable constitutional right to do exactly what we are doing here. If a permit is to be something that we must obtain, we will need to meet with the City of Duluth to clearly define and discuss the ramifications of said permit. We will NOT pay you for this permit if it is to be acquired. You have been appointed and paid for, by the people to serve and protect their rights. We implore you to keep this in the forefront of your minds when addressing your concerns and misguided demands.

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