Sunday, December 4, 2011

Protest Against Sulfide Mining!

On Tuesday, December 6, the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a lunch featuring Joe Scipioni, President & CEO PolyMet Mining. Scipioni will be speaking on "How PolyMet is Preparing for the Next Generation of Mining."

Protect Our Manoomin, with co-sponsors Occupy D
uluth and Move to Amend and support from several environmental groups, will be present to voice our opposition to Polymet's proposed extractive resource copper colony that presents a clear and present danger to the environment of northeastern Minnesota. 

The protest will be from 11am to 1:30pm, and will be held in front of the Kitchi Gammi Club at 831 E. Superior St. in Duluth.

We invite our supporters and other environmental groups and organizations to please join us on December 6. For updated and ongoing information, visit the Protect Our Manoomin FB page and the Occupy Duluth FB page. Gichi-mii'gwech.

Gashkozin! (Wake Up!), Niibawin! (Stand Up!), Giigidoon! (Speak Up!)

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