Sunday, February 26, 2012

Campaign Launched to Save Chris & Krystal Dunbar From Foreclosure

Over 30 people crammed into the meeting room of the Superior Public Library on Feb. 24.  They were there to show their support to Chris and Krystal Dunbar, a local family whose home is in foreclosure.  The Dunbars are a hardworking family whose home has been in their family for generations.  But when Chris lost his job in the recession, they fell behind on their payments, and now U.S. Bank wants to foreclose on their home.

The Dunbars told a heart wrenching story of bureaucratic indifference and incompetence, about the bank repeatedly loosing their paperwork, not giving them enough information, and denying their repeated requests for a loan modification.  Now that Chris is working again, they've tried to send in payments, but U.S. Bank refuses to accept any payment short of the full amount owed.  They are refusing to work with the Dunbars to save their home, and have set a sheriff sale of the house for the end of March.

The meeting was also was addressed by MaryAnn Jones, a Superior homeowner facing foreclosure at the hands of Wells Fargo.  MaryAnn has become a stalwart of the anti-foreclosure movement.  And the meeting also heard the uplifting story of how Project Save Our Homes was able to save the home of Duluth homeowner Ann Lockwood through a public pressure campaigned aimed at State Farm Bank.

Outraged at this all too common tragedy, the audience decided to brainstorm ways to try and save the Dunbar's home, and drafted a campaign to put pressure on U.S. Bank to do the right thing.

With only a few weeks to go before the sheriff sale, Project Save Our Homes has decided to make the Dunbar's case their number one priority.  At the end of the meeting committees were formed to start work right away, and another planning meeting has been called for Wednesday, Feb. 29 at 6pm at the Superior Public Library.

 We urge all of you to get involved in this pressing matter.  Together we can make a difference!

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