Sunday, March 18, 2012

Protests Held at U.S. Bank to Save Dunbar Family Home

Project Save Our Homes organized an ingenious "Kids Need Homes" event at the US Bank in Duluth on Wednesday, March 14th.  About 15 tykes and toddlers (accompanied by their parents) had a genuine "sit-in," where they sat on the floor of the bank lobby and drew pictures of their houses, to the consternation of bank officials.  The five or six police officers who were called in were perplexed about how to resolve this situation.  A mutually acceptable solution was finally agreed upon.  The kids moved to the outer lobby.
Later on, an all-ages protest was held on the sidewalk in front of U.S. Bank.  About 75 people participated in the spirited event.
In parallel with the events organized by Project Save Our Homes, Occupy Duluth and Twin Ports MoveOn Council held loud, raucous events further down the street.  MoveOn started the afternoon with a delivery of petitions to the OFA office, asking that President Obama fire Ed DeMarco, the acting director of the Federal Housing Financing Agency in that DeMarco has not supported providing relief to the 11 million mortgage holders currently underwater.

Occupy Duluth then had a loud, boisterous two hour rally in front of Wells Fargo Bank protesting the bank's role in making billions in profits off the mortgage crisis, and also calling for support for a proposed Minnesota two-year moratorium on mortgage foreclosures.  The Occupiers then  joined others at US Bank.

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