Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week of Actions Against Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo has broken ANOTHER commitment to Mary Ann Jones. Representatives of the bank keep promising to bring a deal to the table within a few days or weeks that would save her home from foreclosure. Now a THIRD deadline has passed with no offer.

We need to up the pressure. Our first step: a grand Wells Fargo tour!

This week, we'll be visiting every branch office in Duluth to talk to employees and customers about how their bank is treating Mary Ann and other local homeowners. Join us on the days you can. We'll provide signs and handouts. If at all possible, join us during your lunch break on Thursday as we present thousands of petitions on Mary Ann's behalf.

PSOH's Tour de Wells Fargo

Monday, April 30,
Miller Hill branch (4180 Haines Rd)

Tuesday, May 1
Kenwood branch (1339 W Arrowhead Rd)

Wednesday, May 2
Denfeld branch (3931 W Superior St)

Thursday, May 3
Downtown branch (230 W Superior St)

People power works, even against a corporate giant like Wells Fargo. Together, we can win for Mary Ann and other hardworking homeowners!

Project Save Our

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