1. Bail out
the people, not the bankers! Open the
account books of the banks to full public inspection. Nationalize the banks and have them be run by
elected workers' committees.
2. No
foreclosures! No forced evictions! Cancel usurious debt payments, and reduce
mortgage payments in proportion to their capitalist-caused decline in value.
3. Full
employment at union wages! An emergency
public works program to employ all jobless workers and youth! Employ people to build what we need -
low-cost housing, efficient mass transit, cheap and renewable sources of
energy, schools and clinics - and to conserve our water, forests, farmland and
open spaces.
Immediate and full withdrawal of U.S. troops & mercenaries from all
other countries! Close all U.S. bases abroad! No money for the military - use the funds
instead for public works! Convert the
war industries to making products for people's needs and to combat global
5. Reduce
the workweek to 30 hours with no cut in pay, and cut the retirement age to 55. Provide unemployment and retirement payments
at the level of union wages and benefits.
6. To
combat inflation: A sliding scale of wages and pensions that matches the rises
in consumer prices. To combat
skyrocketing medical costs: A free, universal, public health-care system.
Immediate citizenship for all undocumented workers. No job discrimination; equal pay for equal
work - regardless of gender, sexual orientation, skin color or national origin.
Nationalize manufacturing, agribusiness, utilities and transportation
corporations and place them under the control of elected committees of workers.
9. To
mobilize support for the demands that it adopts, the Emergency Congress should
organize Action Committees in every workplace and neighborhood threatened by
the economic crisis. These committees
can draw up more localized and concrete demands than the ones outlined above.
10. To put all these measures into effect, we
need a Labor Party - based on a revitalized, militant labor movement, allied
with other social movements of the oppressed and exploited. And our ultimate goal should be a workers'
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