The Alberta
Clipper Pipeline was completed and operational in 2010 and carries 440, 000
Barrels per day (bpd) of DilBit (Diluted Bitumen from the Alberta Tar
Sands). Enbridge is currently seeking permits to increase the amount of
DilBit per day to 570,000 bpd, with plans to increase it to 800,000 bpd. The
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MNPUC) and the US Department of
State(DOS) both have to issue permits before the expansion can happen.
In 2008,
the Leech Lake and Fond-du-Lac Tribes
signed 20 year easements with Enbridge and received payment.
the Red Lake Nation has not signed any easements or agreements with
Enbridge, the company trespassed, and illegally constructed and maintained
pipelines on Red Lake ceded lands, near the town of Leonard , MN. The Alberta Clipper and
Southern Lights Pipelines were also constructed in these ceded lands.
In 2011
this issue was brought to light and the Red Lake Tribal Council has
now offered Enbridge an easement settlement in the amount of $10 million
dollars. Enbridge has counter offered Red Lake $375,000. Red Lakerejected
the counter offer and then issued a cease and desist order through the BIA.
Enbridge and Red Lakeare now in an additional round of negotiations.
The Red
Lake Nation has considered several different options, including; Land
exchange, Signing an easement with a mutually agreed upon payment; charging
Enbridge with trespassing; Injunctions stopping the flow of the oil in the
pipelines, and; Removal of the pipelines from the ceded lands altogether.
the expansion would be a vital link to slowing down the environmental
destruction and negative health impacts to First Nations and other communities
in the tar sands region of Alberta Canada. Just last week the Canadian
Government issued the results of an independent study on water pollution
downstream of the tar sands. The Government and industry have always maintained
that the tar sands mining and activities have not polluted surrounding waters,
but this new study shows chemical pollution 2.5 times to 23 times the legal
limits in waters up to 50 miles away from tar sands pollution sources.
Enbridge is
currently seeking permission to reverse the flow of other pipelines across the US and building additional pipelines,
in order to facilitate the transportation of tar sands oil to the East Coast
and to the Gulf
of Mexico
for export outside the US . So the increase in the
Alberta Clipper would only act as a supplier to these lines and become an
export pipeline.
When we
stop this expansion project, we will deliver a severe blow to Enbridge’s
long-term plans and delay the environmental destruction due to the Tar Sands in
Alberta .
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