Sunday, July 27, 2014

Protest Against Outsourcing of Jobs at UWS

It was a hot day on Saturday, July 26, but that didn't stop 175 people from marching through Superior. The protest was held in support of the 27 custodians and grounds keepers whose jobs the University of WI-Superior is considering outsourcing. The march and rally was part of an ongoing campaign consisting of letter writing, petitioning, protesting and getting local groups and government bodies to pass resolutions of support - all geared to show UWS that we will not stand for them tossing these hard working men and women to the curb. 

The University says that it is considering outsourcing as a way to get out of their current budget crunch, but at the same time the top administrators just gave themselves 12% raises. We cry foul, and reject their proposal to make the lowest paid of their workers pay for a budget crisis that was caused by those at the top, not those at the bottom.

Below is a series of video clips of the July 26 protest, along with some links to local media coverage of the event. If you haven't yet, please contact UWS Chancellor Renee Wachter And stay tuned here at the Northern Worker for announcements regarding future actions!

Marching through the UWS campus

Janitor Glen Khalar addressing the protest

Prof. Joel Sipress addressing the protest

Singing "Solidarity Forever!" at the end of the rally

-WDIO's coverage of the protest
-Northland News Center's coverage of the protest
-AFSCME Blog: Outsourcing Fight Involves Community

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