Sunday, August 24, 2014

Douglas County Board Opposes Outsourcing of UWS Janitors

WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin system, one of the leading university systems in the nation and world, provides a wealth of quality education and prominent research that benefits the health and well-being of the world population, and

WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin-Superior, with 2,700 students, is home to important environmental, transportation, and economic research and development centers, and

WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin-Superior is a regional campus offering quality higher education for both traditional and non-traditional students at an affordable cost, and

WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin-Superior is a significant cultural and economic contributor to the region, and
WHEREAS, budget reductions during the past two years has had a negative impact on the University of Wisconsin system of at least $65,000,000 and on the University of Wisconsin-Superior by $3,500,000 and

WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin-Superior has already experienced reductions in programs and class offerings, limited student activities, potential employee layoffs and elimination of positions, due to funding cuts, and

WHEREAS, additional reductions will have a significant impact on valued employees who have demonstrated dedication to the University of Wisconsin-Superior's mission, and contribute greatly to the economy of the community and region as a whole.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Douglas County Board of Supervisors requests that the Governor and state legislature commit to restore UW system funding to a level that supports the University of Wisconsin-Superior tradition of affordable, quality higher education, recognizing that funding cuts negatively impact staff and students.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Douglas County Board of Supervisors opposes outsourcing or privatization of mainenance/custodial and other support services at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Walker, Speaker of the State Assembly, President of the State Senate, Senator Robert Jauch, Representatives Nick Milroy and Janet Bewley, University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, UW-Superior Chancellor Renee Wachter, UW System President Ray Cross, and the Wisconsin Counties Association.

~passed on August 21, 2014

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