Friday, December 5, 2014

Candlelight Protest Called for Eric Garner

In response to the NYC grand jury’s disheartening failure to indict the police officers responsible for the death of Eric Garner, #Politicsoffmybody, with Twin Ports Save the Kids, Idle No More Duluth, the UWS Black Student Union, All Black Zine, Loaves and Fishes, the UMD Student Association of Social Workers, the North Central Windows Program with support from People of Color with Henry Banks are holding a candlelight vigil /silent protest from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at Center City Park, 1504 Tower Avenue in Superior, WI. 

“The significance of these sad atrocities is of major concern and importance to not only the African American community, but for all of us who in the past have placed our faith in our justice system. Sadly that faith is fast eroding as the severe brokenness of the system is put front and center in our lives” says organizer Kym Young of #politicsoffmybody and Twin Ports Save the Kids. 

Twin ports area resident Trudy Fredericks says she will be attending because "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." and “Because I don't believe that petty crimes are punishable by public execution without trial. Because Trayvon was minding his business. Because Renisha was just looking for help. Because Jordan was simply playing his music loud. Because Tamir & John were holding toy guns. Because it happened here to Natasha and Anthony and countless others. We, the community, the people, say no more. No more.”

Young recalls the Silent Parade organized by W.E.B. Dubois and the NAACP in New York City in July, 1917 in which over 8,000 African Americans marched to demand anti-lynching legislation, and expresses condolences to the Garner family. She invites community organizations, members and leaders, students and others to participate in this event, or hold one of their own. 

“People are welcome to dress warm, bring signs and candles and take photos, but it will be a silent vigil and protest because its all been said really. Now we need to see who is listening and who is watching as these tragic episodes continue. There will be a statement made at the beginning of the vigil. Sadly I cannot find the heart to say I look forward to this event, but we must find a united way to deal with these issues” said Young.

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