Saturday, December 6, 2014

Protesting UWS Chancellor's Ball on Behalf of Laid-Off Janitors

Solidarity is alive and kicking in Superior, Wisconsin! Three dozen of the best people you could ever spend an evening with turned out tonight for a protest in support of the 27 janitors and grounds crew that UWS is laying off. We held a boistous and spirited picket outside of the fancy Chancellor's Ball that was going on. Several of the janitors were on hand and got to speak to the press about their plight. Our collection bucket asking for donations for the laid off workers was ignored by the blue bloods in fur coats and tuxedos, but several students came by and kindly donated. And to cap it all off we marched into the Student Union, where the Ball was being held, to share some of our chants and labor songs with the Chancellor. It wasn't our first protest to save UWS jobs, and it certainly won't be our last. The struggle continues!

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