involvement in Cuba begins long before Castro and the
current socialist government. To understand the harm our government's actions
have brought to the people of Cuba requires looking at this
history. To understand the present, we must look at the past.
All through
the 1800s many Americans advocated annexing, buying, or otherwise expanding U.S. influence in Cuba . Commercial gain, increasing trade,
and expanding slave territory were the primary motivations. By the 1890s, the U.S. was a dominant trading partner with
Spanish Cuba. When Cuban revolutionaries began fighting Spanish rule in 1895,
these commercial interests were hurt financially by the disruption of war. To
help protect these commercial interests, we went to war against Spain , using Cuban independence to justify
American intervention.
The U.S. intervened in this Cuban war of
independence in 1898. We call it the Spanish American War. This “splendid
little war” was over quickly with the defeat of Spain in Cuba and the Philippines . The Treaty of Paris, between Spain and the U.S. , ended Spain 's control of Cuba and ceded Puerto Rico , Guam , and the Philippines to the U.S. Many historians consider this the
beginning of the “American Empire.”
Despite the
pre-war rhetoric about supporting freedom and democracy, American actions
toward Cuba , Puerto Rico , and the Philippines were not consistent with our
democratic values and ideals. Rather than granting these countries independence,
we replaced Spain as the colonial overlord. The
specific details varied with each country. The Philippines did eventually become independent
after a war with the U.S. (1898-1906) and decades of
domination. Guam and Puerto Rico are still part of the U.S.
Between 1898
and 1959 U.S. business interests dominated the
economy of Cuba . Cuba was an economic colony run largely
for the benefit of American business interests. In 1934 Fulgencio Batista
came to power in a military coup. With American support he dominated Cuban
politics, until 1959. Graft, corruption, and mismanagement characterized all
Cuban administrations during this period. American organized crime found a
haven during Prohibition. Cuba became known as a haven for
prostitution and gambling. Despite periods of prosperity, most of the Cuban
people remained poor.
In 1959,
Fidel Castro came to power. He had support from the rural poor, urban workers
and liberal idealists. He established a socialist government which began many
reforms to improve the lives of the Cuban people. Part of this was land reform
and returning control of the economy to Cubans. In 1960 he nationalized
American businesses and seized American property in Cuba . Many Cuban businessmen and the
wealthy elite left the country. The U.S. ended diplomatic relations and
imposed a trade embargo.
In 1961,
Cuban exiles, backed by the CIA , attempted the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion. Over the years many other
CIA covert actions were attempted to
destabilize the economy, incite revolt, and assassinate Cuban leaders.
In recent
decades Cuban American relations have improved. Restrictions on travel,
immigration, and cultural exchanges have been eased. But the basic issues have
not been addressed. Foremost is the unwillingness of all American
administrations to accept a socialist economic structure in Cuba . The trade embargo is still in
place. The Guantanamo navel base is still in American
Over the
years, American actions toward Cuba have been either exploitative or
hostile. There was one exception. President Franklin Roosevelt implemented
policies toward all of Latin America more consistent with our democratic ideals. Called
the “Good Neighbor Policy,” military intervention in other countries was
renounced. In 1934, FDR ended the Platt Amendment.
for both the U.S. and Cuba , the idea of being a good neighbor
was short lived. The Depression and WWII left no time for Latin America . During the Cold War intervention
again became our policy. Containment of communism became the goal and normal
relations with Castro's Cuba was politically impossible.
Today we
again have an opportunity to be a good neighbor. We can begin by returning Guantanamo and normalizing all relations with Cuba .
> The article above was written by Phillip Anderson.
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