Nov. 3, 1979, members of the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party
(ANP) attacked an anti-Klan march in Greensboro, N.C., that was
organized by the Communist Workers Party (CWP). Five members of the
CWP were murdered and 10 others were wounded with the collusion of
federal and local law enforcement.
Viewpoint Organization (WVO), which changed its named to the
Communist Workers Party just days before the massacre, had been
organizing in the North Carolina textile industry. Members had taken
jobs in textile mills and worked to build multiracial union
struggles. Their work in the mills had earned them the hostility of
the textile bosses, local cops, and union bureaucrats.
this period, the KKK was reasserting itself after being dormant for
years. The CWP took part in a confrontation with the Klan in
June of 1979 at China Grove, N.C., where the KKK was holding a
meeting. Protesters at China Grove took up the chant of “Death to
the Klan!”
CWP prioritized anti-Klan organizing, seeing opposition to the KKK as
an obligation for communists. Party activists and their allies
planned an anti-Klan conference that was to be preceded by a march
through Greensboro’s low-income housing projects. The CWP leaflets,
emblazoned with the slogan “Death to the Klan,” exhorted the Klan
and Nazis to come to Greensboro, stating, “you are nothing but a
bunch of racist cowards. … We challenge you to attend our November
3rd rally.” (1)
permits issued by the police stipulated that demonstrators not carry
any guns, despite the fact that open carry was legal in North
Carolina. Violation would result in revocation of the march permit.
and federal informant Edward Dawson, a convicted felon and
long-time Klansman, was urged by his Greensboro police handler to
attend meetings where the Klan response to the march was taking
place. Dawson spoke at a KKK meeting, where he urged armed action
against communists.
the American Nazi Party in North Carolina had been infiltrated by an
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) agent, Bernard Butkovich, who
posed as an over-the-road trucker. Butkovich also encouraged the
Nazis to go to Greensboro armed. However, he reported no discussion
of an armed attack to his superiors.
the weeks before the march, a United Racist Front was declared in a
press conference by neo-Nazi leader Harold Covington and KKK Grand
Dragon Virgil Griffin. At one gathering, Covington declared, “Piece
by piece, bit by bit, we white people are going to take back this
country.” (2)
Nov. 3, as marchers started to gather outside of Greensboro’s
Morningside Projects, a column of Klan and Nazi supporters in nine
cars started to approach the parade route. Just before the fascists
arrived, police officers were ordered by the dispatcher to clear the
area, leaving the area unprotected. At approximately 11 a.m., the
tactical unit responsible for protecting the rally was ordered to go
to lunch. A Greensboro police detective had provided Dawson with a
copy of the permit that detailed the parade route. Dawson rode in the
lead car of the caravan, which was followed by detectives in an
unmarked car.
member Paul Bermanzohn recalled later, “‘Where are the
cops?’ Sandi asked me. … We had a tense but consistent
relationship with the police. They usually gathered in a swarm around
us at least an hour before a march.” (3)
the KKK arrived on the scene, people started yelling. Dawson leaned
out of his truck window and shouted at Bermanzohn, “You asked for
the Klan, you got it, you commie son of a bitch!” (4)
a brief scuffle between marchers and fascists, the Klan and Nazis
opened fire with rifles and shotguns, killing CWP members Cesar
Cauce, Bill Sampson, Jim Waller, and Sandi Smith. Ten people were
wounded. CWP member Mike Nathan died of his wounds in the hospital.
Only a couple of CWP supporters were armed with handguns and a
shotgun. The shootings were caught on film by the four different news
crews that were on the scene to cover the demonstration.
subsequent trials revealed the extent of police and federal collusion
with the fascists. In particular the role of Dawson, who was both a
federal and local police informant, shows the role of police. At the
urging of the police, Dawson had disrupted meetings of the
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a Maoist grouping that had an
intense rivalry with the CWP. There had been clashes between CWP and
RCP supporters. The FBI, ATF, and local cops were intent on
disrupting leftist political activity in North Carolina.
the first criminal trial, six fascists were prosecuted by the state,
five of them charged with murder. An all-white jury acquitted all of
the fascists. In a federal civil rights trial, all nine defendants
were acquitted by an all-white jury despite eyewitness testimony and
film of the massacre captured by news crews. Neither Dawson or
Butkovich were called to testify in the first criminal trial.
court, the fascists claimed self-defense and played on the
anti-communist prejudices of jurors. The ACLU refused to defend the
CWP, citing the violence and arrests. Six CWP members and supporters
were held on felony riot charges. For this reason, CWP members were
uncooperative with the prosecution in the trials of the KKK and
Nazis. They strongly believed that cooperation would help convict
their comrades. The attitude of the prosecutor didn’t help when he
stated that most people thought that the communists got what they
deserved. (5)
Carter administration’s Justice Department found no wrongdoing
by police in the incident, but questions remain about why police were
withdrawn from the neighborhood right before the shootings and why
the tactical squad was sent to lunch at 11 a.m. Politicians closed
ranks in defense of the behavior of the police.
Arthur (Nathan) said later: “Believe it or not, the Klan and Nazi
killers walked away free from all three trials [two criminal, one
civil]. They were never punished, never spent one day in prison. How
can the justice system acquit murderers who four TV videotapes show
firing into a crowd and killing five people?” (6) The civil trial,
which concluded in 1985, found the Greensboro police department, as
well as the Klan and Nazis, liable for wrongful deaths; the CWP
protesters were awarded $400,000.
activists in the region and nationally wanted to build a mass
political response to the killings. A mass march was called for Feb.
2, 1980, by an ad hoc coalition calling itself the February 2nd
Mobilization Committee. The CWP was reluctant to work with other
leftists or broader forces in the aftermath of the murders. CWP
leader Jerry Tung had predicted a five-year period of struggle
leading to revolution. This perspective of revolution on the
immediate horizon required sacrifice and confrontation with the
agents of the state and the far right.
and tactics in the fight against fascism and the far right must be
considered carefully. Activists should never underestimate the
possibility of cooperation between rightists and the cops. The
courts and capitalist politicians cannot be relied on to protect us.
Revolutionaries doing anti-fascist work should avoid isolation from
broader social forces by building united front counter-mobilizations.
use of defensive slogans, rather than offensive slogans, is called
for. James P. Cannon, a founder and early leader of the Socialist
Workers Party, argued, “… defensive formulations are an
indispensable medium for teaching the masses, who will not be
convinced by theory but only by their own experience and propaganda
related thereto. This experience of the masses proceeds in the main
along the line of defensive actions. That is why defensive
formulations are most easily comprehensible and represent the best
approach of the revolutionary Marxists to the masses. Finally, it is
a tactical and legal consideration of no small importance in a
bourgeois-democratic country that defensive formulas partially disarm
the class enemy; or in any case, make their attacks more difficult
and costly. Why should such advantages be thrown away?” (7)
Greensboro, the state and media tried to paint the CWP as the
aggressor, using their rhetoric against them. The “violence on both
sides” argument we have seen after the Charlottesville fascist
mobilization was used decades ago against the CWP.
after the murder of Heather Heyer last month, the whole
establishment, from Mitt Romney to Nancy Pelosi, became
“anti-fascists.” Now, despite the evidence that rightists came to
Charlottesville with violent intentions, the media and liberals seem
intent to blame violence on anti-fascists or “antifa.”
noteworthy that the cops in Charlottesville seemed oblivious to acts
of violence that were committed by fascists. One example took place
when a person, now identified as a KKK member, pulled a handgun and
discharged it in the direction of counter-protesters right in front
of a group of cops. The current witch hunt against “antifa” is
designed to divert attention from the racist far right and to place
an equal sign between the left and right.
Love and Revolution: a political memoir, Signe Waller, p 293
Through Survivors’ Eyes- From the Sixties to the Greensboro
Massacre, by Sally Avery Bermanzohn, p. 194
Through Survivors’ Eyes- From the Sixties to the Greensboro
Massacre, by Sally Avery Bermanzohn, p. 213
Through Survivors’ Eyes- From the Sixties to the Greensboro
Massacre, by Sally Avery Bermanzohn, p. 214
Codename GREENKIL, Elizabeth Wheaton, p 194
Through Survivors’ Eyes- From the Sixties to the Greensboro
Massacre, by Sally Avery Bermanzohn, p. 265
Socialism on Trial, by James P. Cannon
The article above was written by John Leslie, and is reprinted from
Socialist Action.
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