In early December, the Global
Carbon Project published statistics showing that global emissions of
CO2 rose 2% in 2018 to a record high. As Sean Sweeney and John Trent
from Trade Unionists for Energy Democracy summarized in a Dec. 31
article, “When ‘Green’ Doesn’t ‘Grow,’ “ the
market-focused approach to climate protection that governments around
the world have been half-heartedly pursuing has left humanity in a
situation in which there is no real decline of fossil fuel production
and use.
Emissions will fail to peak—as
science deems necessary—in 2020, and government subsidies to
private investors to create renewables have produced far too little.
The gap, Sweeney and Trent argue, between what science says must
happen and what is actually happening grows wider every day.
A special 2018 report, “Global
Warming by 1.5 ℃” by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) says that any hope of limiting warming to a
level that might prevent catastrophic changes to our environment
would require unprecedented shifts in land use, energy production,
industrial output, building, transportation, and the organization of
city life.
COP24, the most recent climate
summit of global elites, which took place in Katowice, Poland,
last month, agreed upon no measures truly capable of tackling this
emergency. According to the climate justice lecturer Nadja Charaby,
the U.S. and Russia, with the help of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,
managed to prevent even a symbolic acknowledgement of the truths of
the IPCC report.
In addition, the human rights plans
developed at the previous Paris climate summit, planks that call for
funding to the poorest nations, have become bargaining chips in a
lose-lose game.
The industrialized nations have
pledged to begin contributing an inadequate $100 billion a year to
the economically victimized nations most severely impacted by climate
change in 2020 but are delaying talks on a necessary increase in this
kind of funding (“COP24: No Response to the Crisis,” Dec. 24,
With scientists producing almost
daily reports on the unexpected speed at which glaciers are melting,
species nearing extinction, the oceans acidifying, and feed-back
loops kicking in, the clear refusal of global elites at Katowice to
agree to stop fossil-fuel production and use has kicked into high
gear the climate movement discussion about what to do next.
The introduction of an outline for
governmental action by the new Democratic Congresswoman, Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, has become a focal point for debates about what the
movement should be fighting for. Her proposal, the so-called Green
New Deal, has popularized the notion that the necessary emergency
transition to the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030 and a just
transition for workers, can (1) only be successfully carried out by
the federal government and (2) that public financing will be key to
its success.
The mainstreaming of these key
ideas, once only talked about in a small wing of the environmental
movement, has stimulated and given confidence to new layers of
activists. The movement discussion now includes critiquing
the specific and limited GND proposal put out by Ocasio-Cortez.
First to challenge the ambiguity of
the GND proposals to end fossil fuel production was Wenonah Hauter of
Food & Water Watch. In “The Lessons from a Burning Paris,”
she argued, “Any Green New Deal that includes carbon pricing isn’t
green, isn’t new, and isn’t much of a deal.” Regressive carbon
taxes or fee and dividend schemes don’t work; they only penalize
the working class. The real path to getting rid of fossil fuels, she
said, is simple. It means a moratorium on new fossil fuel extraction
and infrastructure.
Activists from global climate
justice groups, the Green Party, and the peace movement noted the
failure of the GND to even mention the Pentagon, which is the single
largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels and the largest single
contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Wars for fossil fuel
resources are soon to become intertwined with wars to keep climate
refugees out of the richest nations. The billions flowing to the
Pentagon are an obvious source for funding an emergency transition.
Posing warming as a “security issue,” as does Ocasio-Cortez,
opens the door for terrifying elite solutions to the economic
disruptions and mass migrations that climate change is producing.
One of the goals in the GND that
has sparked the most disapproval is “making “green” technology,
industry, expertise, products, and services a major export of the
United States, with the aim of becoming the undisputed international
leader in helping other countries transition to completely greenhouse
gas neutral economies and bringing about a global Green New Deal.”
That is, Ocasio-Cortez is proposing a solution in which U.S.
corporations produce unspecified types of technology and make a
profit selling them to the less developed world. This goal makes all
the passages in the GND that are ambiguous about the means of
achieving the transition look ominous. To what degree is the public
financing in the GND going to go to give incentives to private
industry rather than using the money to efficiently and directly
carry out the emergency transition?
The very title of the project,
“Green New Deal,” suggests that this is the course imagined.
Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, despite the mythology, was designed
to prop up, not replace, the private banks and industrial enterprises
that were responsible for the Great Depression. Very few incursions
against capital ever took place and the aid to unemployed workers was
actually quite stingy. (See: “The Real Deal on the ‘New
Deal,’” Socialist Action, December
Trade Unionists for Energy
Democracy has proven that public private partnerships have failed to
achieve climate goals even in the energy industry. Only public
ownership and democratic control of the entire energy system can
begin to give us the power to transition quickly and completely
enough. In truth, given that equally dramatic changes in agriculture,
transportation, and most industry will be necessary to truly achieve
carbon neutral emissions in the next twelve years, an unambiguous
drive to push beyond the prerogatives of capital must be the
orientation of the climate justice movement.
This points to the most fundamental
weakness of the Ocasio-Cortez Green New Deal project. John Qua, an
organizer with the Sunrise Movement, a youth group carrying out
direct action in support of the Green New Deal, has explained clearly
that current promotion of the GND and the mobilizations directed at
getting legislators to sign on, are designed to lay the groundwork
for the campaigns of progressive candidates in the 2020 elections.
The practical activity proposed by
the Sunrise Movement to other climate activists is calling
legislators. Later, these same activists will be asked to campaign
for Democratic candidates. The whole project is designed to convince
activists that their energy should be directed toward preparing for
the coming elections. Dramatic social change on the scale required to
save humanity and the planet however, has never come through
electoral activity. The abolition of slavery and other dramatic
social transformations have only come through mass independent
mobilizations independent of the big business political parties.
That this will be true in the face
of climate emergency should be clear by looking at the record of the
Obama presidency. According to Carol Dansereau, author of “Climate
and the Infernal Blue Wave” (Nov. 13, 2018), under the supposedly
climate friendly Obama regime, government facilitated the biggest
increase in oil production in U.S. history, dramatically expanded
natural gas production, avidly promoted fracking, expanded pipeline
construction by 20%, opened up more than 75% of U.S. potential oil
resources offshore, allowed coal leases that are equivalent to 200
new coal-fired plants, and increased U.S. oil exports by 1000
The reforms of the Roosevelt New
Deal that actually benefited working people, including the
implementation of Social Security, were only put in place because
millions of workers and farmers undertook militant action in
industry, against landlords, and for social services and aid.
Today, we are not only faced with
an impending economic downturn but with a serious threat to the
planet and human life itself. The Democratic Party has never taken on
private profiteers in the manner needed today. The only way forward
is the construction of a massive movement—reliant only on
We must use the power of labor, the
power of community organization, and create new institutions in which
the movement can strategize to defeat the most powerful economic
interests that have ever existed. Let’s take the discussion
stimulated by the Green New Deal into these as yet uncharted waters
>> The article above was written by Christine Marie, and is reprinted from Socialist Action.
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