Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution: How the working class shaped
the guerrillas’ victory,” by Steve Cushion. (New York: Monthly
Review Press, 2016.)
year marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Given
its durability, revolutionaries should pay close attention to both
its successes and failures. This is not always easy to do, given the
deluge of propaganda we in North America have been exposed to over
the last 60 years.
same people who purvey the disinformation are the same people who
have fought a 60-year war against the revolution: the U.S. ruling
class and the U.S. government. This war against the revolution
included an invasion with a proxy army at the Bay of Pigs, numerous
acts of economic sabotage, assassination attempts, and a 55-year
economic blockade against Cuba that has yet to end. Under the Trump
administration this war has escalated. Rolling back some of the
policies of the Obama administration, the Trump administration has
targeted Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela as the “troika of tyranny.”
hatred of the U.S. ruling class stems from two factors: first, the
centrality that Cuba played in the U.S. empire from 1898 to 1959;
second, the Cuban Revolution as a “proof of concept” that
revolution is possible in the Latin America.
the Spanish-American War of 1898, in which the rising U.S. empire
defeated the declining Spanish empire in Latin America and the
Pacific, the U.S. restructured the Cuban economy to fit imperialist
needs. Under the Platt Amendment, the U.S. converted Cuba into a
colony that could be ruled indirectly by the U.S. It was a new form
of colonialism that the U.S. pioneered and perfected in Cuba. Cuba
became a source of great profits for the U.S. (along with Central
America) in the first half of the 20th century. (2)
second reason for the hatred of the U.S. ruling class is that the
Cuban Revolution and Cuba today are a proof of concept—a
demonstration that successful revolution is possible within the U.S.
empire and that socialism is possible for the countries of Latin
America. While the Cuban Revolution has been crippled by U.S.
imperialism over the last 60 years, and while it had been distorted
by the influence of Stalinism, it was a genuine socialist revolution
made by the Cuban people, and Cuba remains to this day a workers’
state. For how much longer, though, is anyone’s guess.
Cushion is an activist worker and scholar from London. He worked as a
bus driver in London for 20 years, earned a Ph.D. in Caribbean Labor
History, and has been active in labor and socialist struggles his
entire life. He enjoyed unprecedented access to Cuban historical
archives and received the help of numerous Cuban and non-Cuban
historians. The result is a profound re-telling of the Cuban
Revolution that transforms prior misunderstanding of the process.
What follows is a brief synopsis based on Cushion’s history.
Cuban working class
the 1950s Cuba had developed a relatively large urban and rural
working class, as Cushion points out. This working class was also
highly unionized, with “the highest percentage of unionized workers
in Latin America” (Cushion, p. 22). These workers were organized in
a single labor confederation, the CTC (Confederacion de Trabajadores
de Cuba), that was state sponsored and initially influenced by the
PSP (Partido Socialista Popular), the Stalinist Communist Party of
Cuba. The CTC developed in 1935 after a failed general strike led by
an earlier national labor federation.
representing the interests of the U.S., used the military to defeat
the 1935 general strike and ruled indirectly until 1940, when he won
the presidential elections with the support of the PSP. The CTC and
PSP declared a class truce during World War II and tried to enforce a
no-strike and wage freeze deal on the workers. When Batista’s
hand-picked successor ran in 1944 supported by the Stalinists, he
lost (Cushion, p. 21).
no-strike and wage freeze deal was met with resistance by
rank-and-file labor activists. Perhaps the most dramatic and
successful resistance occurred in Guantanamo in 1943, where railroad
workers were led by Trotskyists in a strike in which they demanded
payment of a 15 percent wage increase that had already been agreed to
by the railroad. The Trotskyists were members of the POR (Partido
Obrero Revolucionario, the Revolutionary Workers Party in English),
which since the 1930s had their center of activity among the workers
and peasants of eastern Cuba.
workers later formed an important network of support for the July 26
Movement led by Fidel Castro (Cushion, p 33).
international context changed at the end of World War II, when the
U.S. adopted new anti-communist policies both at home and in its
empire. The Communists were purged from the CTC national leadership
in 1947, and Eusebio Mujal, a loyal Batista supporter with
connections to both the AFL and the CIA, became the general secretary
of the CTC. After the March 1952 coup in which Batista took power
permanently, Mujal became an important supporter of the dictatorship.
addition to the political changes brought about in the 1950s by the
Batista dictatorship and the pro-capitalist policies of the Mujal
trade-union leadership, the Cuban working class experienced important
economic changes. In the 1950s, sugar accounted for 80% of Cuba’s
exports (Cushion, p. 43). Sugar production produced enormous profits
for the U.S.; for instance, “between 1948 and 1955, $637 million in
profits from sugar alone were repatriated to the U.S.” (Cushion, p.
45), and closely tied the Cuban ruling class to U.S. capitalism. When
the price of sugar on the world market collapsed in 1952 because of
overproduction, Cuba experienced an economic crisis.
still young United Nations responded by calling an international
conference of sugar producing nations in London. The
London Sugar Agreement of 1953 established quotas for each nation in
an effort to maintain prices. Not all nations participated, however,
and individual countries had an incentive to break the quota to
increase their own sales on the world market; the agreement was a
failure and sugar prices stayed low.
U.S. and Cuban capitalists responded with an effort to increase their
profits on the backs of the workers by increasing productivity.
Specifically, they sought to increase mechanization in harvesting,
processing, and transporting sugar, thereby reducing both the
number of workers needed and their labor costs. They also sought to
break the unions and reduce wages and benefits. It was in the context
of the economic crisis and the war on the working class that Batista
seized power a second time in 1952.
July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro and 135 others seized the Moncada army
barracks with the aim of starting a mass insurrection against
Batista. The attempt failed and Castro and others were tried and
convicted. Castro’s courtroom defense, “History will absolve me,”
was a stirring critique of the dictatorship. At the same time, the
PSP turned away from its policy of peaceful coexistence with the
capitalists and support for the government and turned “toward the
working class” (Cushion, p. 113) and a strategy of mass action,
especially strikes and strike support.
turning point in the war on the working class took place in 1955 when
Batista and the ruling elite aggressively imposed their program of
wage cuts and mechanization. Cushion details the resulting
wave of strikes in Chapter 3. He highlights the
brutal nature of the attacks, along with the important role of women
and students in the strikes. In 1955 there were 13 major strikes
outside the sugar industry and 14 major strikes within the sugar
industry along with numerous other smaller strikes and labor actions.
In addition, a massive amnesty campaign succeeded in freeing Castro
and other participants in the attack in 1955. Castro and his
followers regrouped in exile, forming the July 26th Movement
(Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de julio).
strike wave met with both successes and failures, with both the PSP
and the July 26th Movement gaining adherents. Their
involvement in the mass struggles also placed the two groups in
closer proximity, with the PSP slowly coming to realize
the significance of Castro’s group as a potential ally or
competitor. After a number of defeats in the 1955-56 strike wave,
workers took stock and re-assessed their strategies and tactics.
adapted in two ways. First, they started to combine strikes with
industrial sabotage. Second, they formed clandestine cell structures
within their unions and communities. This clandestine cell structure
later formed the basis for the July 26th Movement’s workers’
section [sección obrera]. Meanwhile, militants and leaders in the
PSP moved toward embracing the general strike as a way to bring down
the dictatorship.
this pre-revolutionary crisis stepped Fidel Castro, who arrived
with other militants of the July 26th Movement on the
boat Granma near the end of November 1956. Supported by
workers who helped prepare the way by stockpiling food and arms, as
well as engaging in supporting strikes, Castro and his militants set
up bases in the Sierra Maestra, in Eastern Cuba.
Batista regime responded with a reign of terror against workers and
domestic political opponents, as Cushion details in Chapter 5.
Activists and political leaders of all strips were arrested,
tortured, and sometimes killed, constitutional rights were suspended,
and press censorship was enforced. This did not curtail the activism,
however, and 1957 saw another wave of strikes, albeit mainly
defensive in nature. At the same time, activists in local areas from
both the PSP and the July 26th Movement, along with activists
from other political tendencies came together in local areas and
cooperated with one another, a kind of political convergence at the
general strikes
most successful political action against the dictatorship was a
general strike in August 1957 (described in Chapter 6). The August
general strike in eastern Cuba started when Frank Pais, the leader of
the July 26th Movement underground in Santiago, was captured and
executed at the end of July. The strike is often described as
spontaneous, a term Cushion notes is often used by historians when
they don’t know who organized an event. Cushion shows that the
strike was organized by the network of militant trade-union activists
who were “able to react quickly and seize an opportunity without
requiring orders to do so” (Cushion, p. 157).
strike did not spread beyond eastern Cuba but did paralyze a number
of towns and factories in the east. The strike was most successful in
places where the July 26th Movement and the PSP cooperated with one
another and where there were clandestine workers’ cells. Women
played a crucial role in this strike, as did a number of Trotskyists
who had joined the July 26th Movement.
August 1957 strike led to increased cooperation at the base between
the July 26th Movement and the PSP. The leadership of the two
organizations drew different conclusions from the strike. The PSP saw
the strike as evidence of the strength of their mass-struggle
approach and emphasized a 20% wage increase as a crucial part of
their program.
July 26th Movement, on the other hand, felt that the
dictatorship was on the verge of collapse, and that a single push
from a general strike combined with a guerrilla offensive would end
the dictatorship. The July 26th Movement called for a general
strike on April 9, 1958. Workers had not prepared for the strike—the
call came as a surprise to most workers but not the government, who
was expecting a strike at any time.
the strike activities in Havana and outside of the capital (see
Cushion, pp. 167-168 for a list of the strikes outside of the
capital) were impressive, the July 26th Movement had not done the hard
work and careful preparation needed for success. The strike ended in
defeat and was considered a disaster by both the PSP and the July
26th Movement.
failure of the strike produced a tactical convergence between the
July 26th Movement and the PSP. Castro and his leadership team
realized the importance of careful preparation, economic demands, and
collaboration with the PSP. The PSP realized the importance of
insurrection (of which the armed struggle in the mountains,
the focos, was an important part), armed support for the
strikers, and of cooperation with the July 26th Movement, which
they now viewed as the leadership of the revolutionary struggle.
While the April 9 general strike had failed, it laid the foundation
for the defeat of Batista and the success of the revolution.
7 details the rapid developments that took place after the failed
April 9, 1958, strike. These developments produced the defeat of
Batista at the end of the year. The guerrillas adopted a policy of
leniency and fair treatment to captured enemy soldiers (in contrast
to the extreme brutality and torture used by Batista’s troops).
This encouraged many of the troops to surrender or change sides. The
July 26th Movement and the PSP decided to form a united front of
all workers organizations and created a joint organization, the FONU
(Frente Obrero Unido Nacional/United National Workers Front, in
very quickly started organizing united-front groups of workers
in all areas of the country and in all industries. FONU planned for a
national strike to start in January 1959, in conjunction with the
start of the sugar harvest. In preparation for the strike, FONU
organized two democratic national workers conferences (in July
26th Movement controlled territory) of rank-and-file militants.
a consequence of these national workers conferences (which Cushion
argues have been generally ignored by historians), FONU undermined
the last vestiges of authority of the pro-capitalist labor movement.
Equally important, the July 26th Movement gained enormous status
as the leadership of the working class. While the FONU never really
existed as a single united organization at the national level (there
simply was not enough time to merge the national leadership of the
two groups), it was a potent symbol and, more importantly, there were
united-front actions among workers in various industries, cities, and
7 describes the end of the Batista dictatorship, which happened
quickly. Batista was not able to maintain the conditions for normal
economic activity, and the economy ground to a halt. The capitalist
class abandoned him, hoping to replace him with someone who could
drive down wages and defeat the July 26th Movement. In May 1958,
Batista’s forces launched an offensive against the guerrillas; the
offensive failed completely. By August, two columns of guerrilla
forces were marching west. The July 26th Movement seized
Santiago de Cuba on New Year’s Day when they heard the news that
Batista had fled the country.
revolutionary process was now at a crucial turning point. A number of
capitalist politicians sought to seize control of the government in a
coup. Castro addressed the country by radio from Santiago, calling
for the start of the general strike. The strike paralyzed the
country, prevented any pro-capitalist coup, and guaranteed the
victory of the July 26th Movement. Castro himself acknowledged
the importance of the general strike, which “was decisive in
delivering the fortresses of the capital of the republic, in
defeating the final maneuvers of the enemies of the people, and in
giving all power to the revolution” (Cushion, p. 198).
ends his analysis with Chapter 8, on the first year of the Cuban
Revolution, and with a final concluding chapter. The
united front between the PSP and the July 26thMovement broke down
almost immediately, with internal divisions and realignments in both
groups. Eventually, both groups split, and then the left wing of both
groups merged to form the Cuban Communist Party. The conclusion is
especially worth reading, as it provides a succinct summary of the
historical lessons of the Cuban Revolution.
myth of the foco
Cuban Revolution has generally been understood, or rather
misunderstood, on the basis of two myths. The first is the myth
of the foco, the small band of revolutionaries fighting in the
mountains that makes the revolution. The other is the myth of
the middle class in revolt, bringing down the hated dictator Batista,
only to have their democratic revolution highjacked by Castro and the
radicals. Cushion alludes to both of these portrayals of the
revolution at the very beginning of his book in the form of two
contrasting movies: Che, a movie about the heroic
revolutionaries fighting in the mountains, and Cuidad en Rojo, a
Cuban film about the urban, middle-class opposition to Batista in the
final days of the dictatorship.
invaluable work shows that it was the working class, led by the
vanguard MR 26-7 and Fidel Castro, that made the revolution. The
isolated focos fighting in the mountains, as Cushion shows, could not
have survived without the active support of networks of urban and
rural workers who supplied them with food, weapons, logistical
support, and information. In many respects, the Cuban Revolution
followed the basic pattern of the Russian Revolution, although more
by accident than because of a grounding in Marxist theory.
portrayal of the revolution as a consequence of heroic
revolutionaries fighting in the mountains is in part a creation myth
created after the fact, just as the portrayal of the revolution as a
middle-class struggle (many in the middle class did oppose Batista,
especially at the very end) hijacked by Castro is also a myth.
origin of both myths is complex, and they are embraced by very
different groups. The foco myth owes much to a book by Regis Debray,
a French philosopher who taught at the University of Havana in the
1960s and who was a friend of Che Guevara. In 1967 Debray published
“Revolution in the Revolution,” which soon became a type of
handbook for revolutionaries throughout Latin America. (3)
does not address the foco strategy of guerrilla warfare but his
historical research is directly relevant to questions of
revolutionary strategy. Cushion’s pathbreaking historical research
should put to rest any question about how revolutions are made.
Revolutions are not made by small groups, but by the working-class
masses. These masses need a revolutionary vanguard, but this vanguard
is itself made up of the most advanced members of the working class.
struggle may be an important or necessary tactic, but it is the use
of strikes and protests, including the general strike, which will
ultimately bring about a mass insurrection. The way ahead, for
revolutionaries everywhere, is what is generally thought of as the
Leninist strategy.
in one country”
Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky all envisioned socialist revolution as a
world revolution, starting perhaps in one or a few countries and then
spreading in both the capitalist core and the capitalist periphery.
None of them believed that socialism could survive in one country,
let alone a country in the underdeveloped and neo-colonial periphery
of the capitalist world system. The abominable Stalinist doctrine of
“socialism in one country” made a virtue of a grim necessity and
was used to justify the reactionary policies of the Soviet
leaders of the Cuban Revolution knew better. In an article in the
January 2019 issue of Monthly Review, journalist Ron Augustin
has offered a timely analysis of the Cuban Revolution and the problem
of socialism in one country. (4) Augustin focuses on the views of Che
Guevara and other members of the Cuban revolutionary leadership.
Guevara knew that socialism in one country replaced “internationalism
with chauvinism” (Augustin, p. 42). In the early years, Cuban
leaders also believed that the development of socialism in Cuba
depended on socialist revolutions happening elsewhere in Latin
America (Augustin, p. 43).
the weakness of the Cuban state in the face of the imperialist
juggernaut, Cuba did not have a lot of room to maneuver. While Cuba
gave extensive support to revolutionaries throughout Latin America
and Africa, especially before the demise of the Soviet Union, the
main policy—at least in the past—was to convince by example, or
as the Cubans say, to “send out moral missiles” (Augustin, p.
the collapse of the Soviet Union and the hardships that ensued during
what is known as the Special Period, Cuba has been forced to
reintegrate its economy into the capitalist world system. This
has placed enormous pressure on the Cuban state and economy,
creating new tensions and problems. Augustin’s conclusions are very
relevant to our current political moment:
fact remains that maintaining and transforming the country’s
socialist development does not depend on internal conditions alone.
As long as Cuba has to go against the tide of present-day
international realities, its process of socialist development will
continue to be an extremely complex and difficult one.
the question is not so much whether the Cuban Revolution can survive
but whether its isolation in a capitalist world will be broken by
other social revolutions. Instead of making that tourist trip “before
it’s too late,” it might be good to ask ourselves how we can help
create two, three, many Cubas (Augustin, p. 47).
See the speech by Trump National Security advisor John Bolton on
November 1, 2018 at a forum at Miami Dade College. During
the speech Bolton announced new sanctions against all three
See “The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth
of American Empire,” by Stephen Kinzer. (New York: Henry Holt and
Comp., 2017).
“Revolution in the Revolution,” by Regis Debray and Bobbye Ortiz.
(New York and London: Verso, 2017.) Originally published
in the U.S. by Grove Press in 1967.
“Cuba, Che Guevara, and the Problem of “Socialism in One
Country,” by Ron Augustin. Monthly Review, January 2019, pp.
>> The article above was written by Lazaro Monteverde, and is reprinted from Socialist Action.
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