“Nobody said regime change was
going to be easy,” read the first line on the front-page New
York Times article of May 2 entitled, “Pressure Rises After
Failure In Venezuela.”
The article, billed as “news analysis,”
continues, “President Trump’s top advisers woke up Tuesday [April
30] believing that a rebellion in the Venezuelan military that day
would galvanize a popular uprising and topple a leader they have
described as a reviled despot who must be replaced. But at day’s
end, President Maduro was still in power and Mr. Trump’s advisers
were left to blame Cuba, Russia and three influential Venezuelan
officials, who failed to switch sides, for frustrating their plans.”
In the old days, and even recently,
U.S. CIA-orchestrated coups were clandestine matters, wherein
secretly trained troops were organized, armed, and financed by U.S.
imperialism and sent in to remove any government that the U.S. ruling
elite deemed a threat to their economic and/or geopolitical
interests. The 1962 U.S.-sponsored coup/invasion of Cuba as well as
the U.S. 10-year “Contra” war against Nicaragua were prime
The 1953 U.S. coup to remove the
government of Iran was similarly disguised, with U.S. operatives
dressed in Middle Eastern garb entering the presidential palace to
oust Iran’s president, Muhammad Mossadegh. In Syria too,
U.S.-trained and financed jihadist forces began their dirty work
early on to remove the Bashar Assad government in an ongoing war that
has taken the lives of an estimated 500,000 Syrians.
Students of history will
undoubtedly add to the list literally hundreds of similar
U.S.-orchestrated regime change efforts across Latin America, Asia,
Africa, and indeed, across the globe. Europe too is not immune;
witness the U.S.-backed fascist-led coup in Ukraine in 2014.
Blatant intervention
But today, the imperial coup makers
are out in the open, boasting their intentions around the globe. In
Venezuela, their propagandists named three top Venezuelan military
officers who they claimed had defected to the side of the
U.S.-appointed “president,” Juan Guaido. Their U.S.-briefed
corporate media friends in Venezuela and around the world were
similarly primed with the scoop from Trump’s top officials, to wit,
that Guaido’s supporters had captured a military base in Caracas
and had mobilized to free an imprisoned Guaido supporter, who had
been a leader of the previous U.S.-backed coup in 2002.
The programmed scenario was put to
the test on the morning of April 30, with some eager corporate media
pundits getting their “facts” a bit wrong. There was no Guaido
takeover of any military base, but rather a photo-op scene replete
with a group of heavily armed soldiers, touted as Venezuelans,
surrounding Guaido’s truck outside of the claimed captured military
base. Guaido’s call for a mass uprising failed to materialize.
His alleged military success in
freeing his 2002 coup-making buddy, under house arrest with but a few
guards present, failed to seriously demonstrate his claimed military
By day’s end, the facts were
clear. Venezuela’s armed forces, including its army and armed
militias, today some two million people, remained intact. The three
named top officials who were said to have deserted, publicly stated
otherwise and Guido’s call for mass rebellion to oust the Maduro
government fizzled to small groups of protesters in a few middle and
upper class neighborhoods of Venezuela’s wealthy.
Meanwhile, May Day in Venezuela saw
the largest pro-government mobilizations in years. Incredibly,
President Trump blamed his coup’s failure on the Cubans and
Russians. With regard to Cuba, he pledged a tightened
embargo/blockade aimed at strangling Cuba’s economy. Additional
sanctions against Russia were said to be in the making. Russia’s
crime was in providing food and medical supplies to Venezuela.
On May 1, according to The New
York Times (May 4, 2019), U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
called Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov to “warn him that his
country’s intervention in Venezuela was ‘destabilizing’ for
that country and for the U.S.-Russian relationship.” National
Security adviser John Bolton added, “This is our hemisphere—it’s
not where the Russians ought to be intervening.”
Today we are witness to a U.S.
imperialism that recognizes no restraints against the brutal exercise
of its vast economic and military power. Trump officials have warned
all Latin American nations, and indeed all nations around the world,
that to defy its massive sanctions against Venezuela would be met
with major U.S. retaliation.
Big business media is complicit
A recent report by the news media
watch organization FAIR (Fairness And Accuracy in Reporting) noted
that almost all major U.S. media have aped the government-promoted
drum-beat regime-change mantra daily spewed forth by the Trump
administration and the Democratic Party.
In contrast, every delegation of
antiwar and social justice activists who have recently visited
Venezuela presents a diametrically opposed view. They give a view of
a Venezuelan society deeply impacted by the monstrous U.S. sanctions
and embargo on the one hand, but where the vast majority stand firmly
opposed to any U.S. war against Venezuela and against all those who
would bring it on, including Juan Guaido, whose power and influence
over the basic institutions of Venezuelan society—U.S. and CIA
daily disinformation aside—is zero.
As with the U.S.-orchestrated war
against Syria, Socialist Action unconditionally supports Venezuela’s
right to self-determination, including its right to seek aid from
Cuba and Russia.
Today, a small group of U.S.
antiwar activists are dramatically and legally supporting this right.
They have entered and now occupy the Venezuelan embassy offices in
Washington, D.C., with the formal support of the Venezuelan
government. As we go to press, they are threatened with eviction by
Guaido thugs, who have smashed the embassy windows and are
threatening the occupants with violence while U.S. officials stand by
without interference. U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!
>> The article above was written by Jeff Mackler, and is reprinted from Socialist Action newspaper.
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