took some 34 days for the Donald Trump administration to decide on
May 18, 2019, to forcefully evict from the Venezuelan Embassy in
Washington, D.C., four antiwar activist members of the Embassy
Protection Coalition. The four were there with the formal and express
consent of the Venezuelan government and its president, Nicolas
Maduro. Their attorneys repeatedly informed threatening U.S.
government officials that any attempt to evict members of this
Embassy Protection Coalition would be in flagrant violation of U.S.
and established international law, wherein the embassies of
recognized governments cannot be violated.
personnel and appointed representatives, as well as their offices and
contents, cannot be breached or infringed upon by the host
government. These principles were recently affirmed with regard to
the Ecuadoran Embassy in London that provided sanctuary to Wikileaks
founder Julian Assange. Until the new Ecuadoran government reversed
its previous position and decided to allow British authorities to
remove Assange, no one had dared to enter for some seven years.
this matter, the Trump administration finds itself ensnared in its
self-declared and delusional contradiction. On the one hand, it
maintains official recognition of the Venezuelan government and,
therefore, the sanctity of its embassy; on the other, it insists that
its puppet “president,” appointee Juan Guaidó, is the true
representative of this government. In the end, as with all such
matters when U.S. imperialism’s “interests” are at stake,
international law and all other “laws” are ignored with impunity
and brute force is employed to achieve heinous ends.
doubt, if the embassy matter becomes subject to future litigation,
Trump and Company fully expect that their U.S. Supreme Court, or any
other judicial body, will find or invent some “legal”
justifications to suit the imperial needs of the capitalist system
they are sworn to uphold. One can only imagine reading a Supreme
Court decision wherein the Court recognizes the right of the U.S.
government to appoint its agents/puppets to the presidency of another
no such U.S. judicial authority has ruled that the myriad of recent
regime change wars that leveled much of the infrastructure of Iraq,
Libya and Syria, and now Yemen, and slaughtered millions of
civilians, were illegal.
the full force of U.S. imperial power is directed against Venezuela,
including enforcing an international embargo and blockade,
unprecedented sanctions, overt threats of intervention and the
massive U.S. sequestering of billions of dollars in Venezuela’s
international assets. The combination of these U.S. actions alone,
according to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, has
resulted in the incredible loss of 40,000 Venezuelan lives due to
U.S.-imposed starvation and lack of medical supplies.
fake revolution
media monopolies for months, and to this day, dutifully report each
and every Trump and CIA-manufactured lie to justify its ongoing
regime-change coup efforts. Trump’s warmongering cohorts, National
Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and
Elliot Abrams went to the extreme in scripting and orchestrating a
“Wag the Dog” Hollywood-style, fake revolution against the
Venezuelan government, aimed at convincing the Venezuelan people and
world public opinion that the Venezuelan army had gone over to
Guaidó’s side, that Guaidó was in power, and that masses were in
the streets proclaiming his victory. Guaidó’s April proclamations
to this effect included that he had won the support of three major
military officers, that his soldiers had captured a prime military
base in Caracas and that massive numbers had rallied to his cause in
Caracas and across the country to demand President Maduro’s ouster.
of this soon proved to be CIA-created fiction, repeated as truth ad
nauseam, according to the media investigating group, FAIR (Fairness
in Accuracy and Reporting), in virtually every major newspaper in the
named “defecting” Venezuelan military officers—who had
apparently been contacted by the CIA and offered huge bribes—played
along with the would-be coup makers only to later expose their deeds,
repudiating Guaidó’s and the CIA’s fabrications (see the May 5,
2019, Los
Angeles Times).
None defected. The mass protests that Guaidó announced never
materialized. Small groups of Guaidó supporters gathered briefly in
Caracas’ upper-middle-class neighborhoods to engage police with
the subsequent May Day mobilizations a day later of 400,000
government supporters, the largest in several years, were invisible
to the corporate media. In the end, the entire rigged scenario proved
to be a fiction. The
New York Times finally
reported in a front-page article on May 22, “Weakened and unable to
bring the political crisis gripping Venezuela to a quick resolution,
Mr. Guaidó [fleeing from one safe house to another in Venezuela] has
been forced to consider negotiations with Mr. Maduro.”
to this day the fiction of Guaidó’s presidency is maintained by
the duopoly war parties of the United States. Not a single U.S.
politician moved to expose this charade. Manufacturing such
scenarios, accompanied by demonization of a nation’s leader as a
mass murdering tyrant, often accompanied by “proof” of heinous
misdeeds such as the now-refuted charge of using lethal sarin gas
against civilians in Syria, is the stock in trade in imperialism’s
arsenal of mass deception aimed at justifying “humanitarian” and
regime change wars in the public mind.
for Venezuela
central antiwar movement demand, “U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!” has
proved to be increasingly effective in forging broad
united-front-type mass-action coalitions like the United National
Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), whose focus is on bringing thousands into
the streets in clear opposition to the bipartisan warmakers. UNAC’s
component organizations, of course, hold a range of often divergent
assessments on the policies of the Venezuelan government. They are
united in rejecting U.S. intervention in all its horrific
expressions, but as a mass action coalition they take no position on
the nature of the Venezuelan government. As individual organizations
each is free to present its own views.
Action’s assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of Venezuela’s
Bolivarian Revolution is presented here in some detail. While
standing full square on the side of the Venezuelan government and
people against every effort of the U.S. government to overthrow it,
we have also been harsh critics of Venezuela’s “pink revolution”
policies that have tragically served to weaken its fight against
imperialist-imposed isolation and war.
versus “pink” revolutions
“pink revolution”— as with all of Latin America’s recent
experience with the political rule of social-democratic, reformist,
or left nationalist governments that promised to improve the lives of
the working masses without fundamentally challenging their nation’s
capitalist and private property foundation—has proved to be
inadequate to the task. John Pilger’s Feb. 22,
2019, Counterpunch article
entitled “The war on Venezuela is built on lies” makes this
absolutely clear. Pilger, a longtime admirer and friend of former
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and a sympathetic, anti-imperialist
friend of Venezuela, explains in great detail what has been widely
viewed as Venezuela’s democratic electoral process and its
significant social achievements. But Pilger’s balance sheet
includes this painfully accurate yet contradictory statement: “For
all the Chavistas’ faults—such as allowing the Venezuelan economy
to become hostage to the fortunes of oil and never seriously
challenging big capital and corruption—they brought social justice
and pride to millions of people and they did it with unprecedented
iron laws of capitalism, whether in the U.S. or anywhere else in the
world, repeatedly demonstrate that advancing the interests of the
vast majority is inherently incompatible with defending the
prerogatives of the minority ruling-class capitalist elite. The
Chavez/Maduro governments, as Pilger painfully notes, “never
seriously challenged big capital,” that is, the overwhelming
ownership and control by the “one percent” of Venezuela’s major
industries including its oil—partial “nationalizations”
notwithstanding—its land, banking, and related financial
institutions, basic resources, systems of transportation, shipping,
etc. Venezuela’s land largely remains the private property of big
short, the Chavez/Maduro project of “coexisting” with capitalism
left it incapable of developing a rounded economy capable of
producing its own food—Venezuela imports almost all of its food—and
instituting a semblance of planned and balanced economic growth aimed
as satisfying human needs as opposed to capitalist profits. Today, 70
percent of Venezuela’s economy remains in capitalist hands, not to
mention some 70 to 90 percent of its media.
aside, Venezuela is no socialist economy. The rhythms of its
economic, and therefore social development, are contingent on the
exigencies of the world capitalist market. When world oil prices,
always manipulated by the U.S. and a few of the most powerful oil
producers, plummeted from over $110 per barrel to less than $40 over
the past decade, Venezuela’s economy suffered greatly and became
increasingly subject to imperialism’s ever-deepening
destabilization measures.
Chavez government’s conscious decision to avoid any fundamental
break with capitalism left it unprotected, as was the case with
similar reform-minded governments in Brazil (Lula), Ecuador (Correa)
and Nicaragua (Ortega). The Chavistas sought to coexist with the
“boli-bourgeoisie” (Venezuelan capitalists) who occupied
essential parts of the government infrastructure and were included in
Venezuela’s United Socialist Party. Capitalism and government
corruption are inseparable.
contrast to Venezuela’s reform-minded but capitalism-committed
Chavistas, Cuba’s socialist revolution of 1959 proceeded to
rapidly, in Fidel’s words, “nationalize the capitalist class down
to the nails in the heels of their boots.” It quickly established a
planned economy based on meeting human needs, not capitalist profits;
it distributed the land to the long-oppressed and exploited
peasantry; and it armed its population to defend all of those gains.
In consequence, Cuba’s proud revolutionary achievements remain
largely intact and a shining example to oppressed people everywhere,
despite more than a half-century of U.S. imperialist efforts to
restore it to its former neo-colonial status.
way forward for Venezuela
today stands at the threshold of social change. It can take the Cuban
route and move toward a fundamental break with capitalist domination
or it can continue on the dead-end path of “peaceful”
co-existence with an imperialist-backed internal capitalist elite.
The latter course, as history has repeatedly demonstrated, is a sure
road to disaster.
socialist revolution, established via the direct and democratic rule
of the working-class majority, requires the formation of a deeply
rooted, mass revolutionary socialist, working-class-based party.
While no such party exists in Venezuela today, the conditions for its
formation, given the deep radicalization brought on by the immediate
threat of a U.S. invasion and the experience of millions with the
severe limitations and failures of previous reform projects, are
The road
to the construction of such a party centers on winning the confidence
and mass support of the working class and absolute opposition to
imperialist intervention. In the current context, the best
defense is a good offence. There is nothing the Venezuelan government
can do to placate the rapacious capitalists in the U.S. or within
Venezuela. Appeasement will not work. Power must be met with power.
And the only source of power within Venezuela that can match the
imperial behemoth at the gates is an emboldened, organized, mobilized
working class headed by a mass revolutionary socialist party that
proves in action to be the best defenders of the interests of
Venezuela’s working masses. U.S. Hands Off Venezuela!
>> The article above was written by Jeff Mackler, and is reprinted from Socialist Action newspaper.
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