Twenty-five years ago at the 1994
International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo,
Egypt, feminists raised the alarm about the links between the
international development schemes of the big imperialist nations and
racist population-control plans.
They fought against a “business as
usual” international development paradigm in which aid agencies
would bring abortion and long-acting contraception to the
underdeveloped world as part of an effort to reduce population, but
at the same time refuse to provide holistic health care for women and
children, or take measures that would actually empower women in
agriculture and low-wage work.
Feminists won commitments to change
in Cairo and it was marked as an historic occasion. In retrospect,
feminists can today see just how dangerous the limitations of those
commitments have been.
In preparation for a November
International Conference on Population and Development summit in
Nairobi, Kenya, feminist scholars and activists are attempting to
draw the world’s attention to the deeply racist and imperialist
population-control schemes that are not only still in play, but
expanding. In fact, they are more hidden than before, and today
obscured by progressive language about liberating women and girls.
Anne Hendrixson of the Population
and Development Center at Hampshire College, along with Rajani Bhatia
from the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department of SUNY
at Albany, Kalpana Wilson from the Department of Geography at the
University of London, and others have initiated A Feminist
Call for Resistance to Population Control to publicize the
reactionary plans underway and about to be expanded in Nairobi.
It is fairly obvious that
population and high fossil-fuel emissions do not correlate. It is the
global North whose economies are producing by far the greatest
percentage of the carbon dioxide and methane emissions bringing us to
disaster. Yet the populations targeted for “control” live in
areas of the world that produce the lowest percentages of greenhouse
Not only is targeting the less
developed world unfair, it is sure to result in some terrifying
social experiments enabled by racism and class fear. Hendrixson and
her collaborators argue that “when population numbers, composition,
and movement” are seen “as causing or worsening climate change,
environmental degradation, poverty, war, and conflict,” dystopian
restrictions like “fertility control, heightened border control,
dispossession, detention, and imprisonment” are very often proposed
as solutions.
Further, the false linkage of
climate chaos and population obscures the real profit-driven roots of
this crisis. Instead of highlighting the need to dump the capitalist
disorganization of the economy, populationism poses reactionary
measures against those who are currently most victimized by world
Behind today’s populationist
schemes are what Hendrixson and others call “the current population
establishment.” It includes international organizations, donor
governments, philanthro-capitalists such as the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, and the pharmaceutical giants—all of whom, under
the guise of slowing climate change, are driving forward
billion-dollar programs in Africa.
These programs dispense dangerous
long-acting contraception measures whose use has been discontinued in
Europe and the United States. The often coercive contraception
distribution is sometimes carried out alongside “ClimateSmart”
programs that bypass traditional knowledge to promote toxic and
corporate agricultural methods that target female farm labor. Such
projects are openly aimed at female farmers and urge them to
privilege profit-making over food security. Taken together,
Hendrixson and others argue, these projects aim to control Black and
Brown female bodies in both the productive and reproductive spheres,
all for the good of world capitalism.
In order to provide feminists and
climate justice activists with the knowledge to combat this
pernicious trend, Hendrixson and her collaborators have begun
publishing regularly in a journal whose full text articles are
downloadable on most campuses. They have developed a themed
section—“Confronting Populationism: Feminist Challenges to
Population Control in an Era of Climate Change”— in Gender,
Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography.
Articles published here build on
the thesis put forward by Ian Angus and Simon Butler’s 2011 book,
“Too Many People?: Population, Immigration, and the Environment.”
They define populationism as an ideological position that holds that
population is the primary driver of social, political, and ecological
problems and analyze the interwoven demographic, geographic and
biopolitical dimensions of populationism. Feminists and climate
justice activists can find in this themed section of Gender,
Place & Culture a
wealth of new approaches to thinking about the place of populationism
in the efforts of global elites to prepare for climate chaos.
Ecosocialists must quickly
incorporate these new understandings into our work to build a climate
justice movement big enough and effective enough to meet the
existential threat at hand. There is nothing truer than the slogan,
“There can be no climate justice without gender justice and
reproductive justice!”
>> The article above was
written by Christine Marie, and is reprinted from Socialist
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