in France was brought to a halt on Thursday, Dec. 5, in a general
strike against the Macron government’s attack on pensions. Ninety
percent of France’s high-speed TGV rail line are shutdown, as well
as 80 percent of the local trains. Thousands are flooding the streets
across the country to support the demonstrations. Thirty percent of
domestic flights and 15 percent of international flights are
canceled. Airlines are offering shuttle services with private vans
because travelers have no way of getting from the airport to the city
are making comparisons to the 1995 general strike in France that
paralyzed the capital city and much of the country’s transport. At
that time, right-wing President Jacque Chirac had just been elected
and Prime Minister Alain Juppé was making deep cuts to social
programs to balance the budget on the backs of the working class.
This reality, coupled with attacks on women’s rights, including
abortion, set off one of the largest social movements since the
revolutionary upsurge in France of May/June 1968.
Macron is similarly trying to drive a deeper austerity program to
boost the rate of profit for French capitalists. Workers in France
have won the right to retire and live with dignity through decades of
struggle. In 2010, the French government under Nicolas Sarkozy began
an assault on retirement by increasing the minimum age a worker can
collect a pension from 60 to 62 and full retirement from 65 to 67.
This touched off a general strike that was significant but able to
win only a few small concessions.
majority of workers in France support the general strike today, and
it is reflected in the mobilizations and strikers outside of the
Parisian center. This includes 55% of kindergarten and elementary
schools shut down.
recently, discontentment in France has been expressed in the form of
the gilets jaunes or the Yellow Vest movement, which started in
October 2018. Taking on the cost of living and fuel prices, the
Yellow Vest movement became a militant populist phenomenon that has
had characteristics of both left-wing and right-wing politics. French
university students have also been active recently in the struggle
against police repression and austerity. Even minor increases to
university costs are recognized as serious attacks for working-class
youth to have access to a university education.
French postal workers of SUD-Poste 92, in Haut-de-Seine, give an even
greater example of how to take on the government and win. For 14
months, a small group of workers led a militant strike that fought
back privatization and subcontracting. They took on Le Poste, one of
France’s largest employers, and the French state and won
concessions, including the defense of trade-union leader Gaël
Quirante. Their victory was successful because they connected their
fight to the broader social struggles for LGBTQIA+ rights, the
student movement, the Yellow Vests, and the fight against labor law
with the general strike in France! Macron, hands off the pensions of
French workers!
The article above was written by Ernie Gotta.
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