Virginia Democrats gained control
of both houses of the state legislature in recent elections with the
active support of organized labor. This aroused the expectations of
workers and the fears of the ruling class that the Democrats would
repeal the anti-union right-to-work (RTW) law, which has been on the
books for more than 70 years. Never fear, Democratic Governor Ralph
Northam has vowed that he will make sure that RTW stays in force,
saying, “I can’t see Virginia taking actions to repeal
GOP leaders and big business were
delighted at the news. Carter Lee, a member of the Virginia House of
Delegates, and DSA member, has said that he will introduce
legislation to do away with RTW, but there is little hope of passage.
Northam barely survived a scandal
in February 2019, when a photo of him in blackface appeared in the
press. While some Democrats like Joe Biden had called for him to
resign, Black Democratic legislators in the statehouse threw support
behind him to stave off a GOP succession to the governor’s office.
RTW’s racist roots
In every state where RTW has
passed, the income of working-class households has fallen, and the
unions have been weakened by attacking the unions’ dues base and
the union shop.
These laws, with their roots in the
Jim Crow segregated South, have spread to 27 states and Guam.
Conservatives pushed for RTW by exploiting fears of “race-mixing
and communism.” Fourteen states passed RTW legislation by 1947, the
same year the Taft-Hartley slave labor bill was enacted by Congress.
One provision of Taft-Hartley (Section 14 b) made it legal for states
to pass right-to-work laws.
RTW does not guarantee the right to
a job. Under RTW workers have the right to work in a unionized
workplace, but are not obligated to pay any sort of fees or dues to
the union for that representation. Federal law requires that the
union represent all workers under their protection—even those who
refuse to pay dues. This provision undermines the power of the union
by banning union shops and saps the financial resources of the union.
States with RTW legislation on the
books have lower wages (on average, $6109 annually) and benefits than
states without these laws. Living standards, measured in terms of
access to education (spending 32.5% less per pupil), health care,
infant mortality, workplace safety, and poverty, are lower in RTW
Conservative writer William Safire
praised the commonplace usage of the term “right to work” as a
“linguistic victory for management.” The term right-to-work is a
mind trick—a deception designed to allow bosses to obscure the
meaning of the law. It’s a deception similar to the right wing’s
use of “right to life” to define opposition to a woman’s right
to choose.
The GOP and Trump
During the 2016 campaign, Trump
played populist by mouthing pro-worker platitudes in struggling
communities. Coal miners, steelworkers, and autoworkers heard Trump’s
message as a promise to resurrect their jobs and communities. Forty
three percent of union households reportedly voted for Trump. At the
same time, Trump has been effusive in his praise for RTW.
“We’ve had great support from
[union] workers, the people that work, the real workers, but
I love the right to work,”
Trump said. “I like it better because it is lower. It is better for
the people. You are not paying the big fees to the unions. The unions
get big fees. A lot of people don’t realize they have to pay a lot
of fees. I am talking about the workers. They have to pay big fees to
the union. I like it because it gives great flexibility to the
people. It gives great flexibility to the companies.” One of the
goals of the GOP is a national RTW law.
Democrats are unreliable
The Democrats try to portray
themselves as friends of working people, but the reality is
different. The Democrats’ actual record is less inspiring than the
images of the New Deal or Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society that they
hand down. Over the past four decades, the Democrats have been
accomplices in the austerity, globalization, and union busting that
has destroyed the living standards of workers.
So-called centrist Democrats, from
the Clinton-Gore Democratic Leadership Council to today’s Blue
Dogs, have worked to ensure that the needs of the ruling rich are met
above everything else. Clinton became president on the heels the term
of the first George Bush. Bush had tried to push through the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and was met with fierce
resistance from the labor movement. Despite his anti-labor record as
governor of Arkansas, unions got behind Clinton. Workers were
rewarded with budget cuts, no card check to ease organizing, a major
attack on welfare programs and a draconian and racist criminal
justice reform.
The icing on the cake was the
passage of NAFTA with little resistance from the labor bureaucracy.
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan have each has lost more than 200,000
manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was implemented in 1994.
After two terms of George W.
Bush, unions turned their hopeful gaze to Barack Obama, who promised:
“If American workers are being denied their right to organize and
collectively bargain when I’m in the White House, I’ll put on a
comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll will walk on that picket
line with you as president of the United States of America.
Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their
That promise never materialized.
While workers made some limited progress in terms of overtime rules
and other changes, the Obama administration abandoned action on the
Employee Free Choice Act (card check) and raising the minimum wage.
In fact, as sentiment grew for a raise in the minimum wage to $15 per
hour, AFL-CIO bureaucrats teamed up with Democrats to push for a
raise to merely $10.10 per hour—a proposal that was never
fulfilled. During the Great Recession, the Democrats and Obama saved
the biggest banks but did nothing to bail out working people.
Wealth inequality in the U.S. has
increased, with 95% of economic gains going to the top 1% since 2009,
when the “recovery” from the Great Recession began. Income
inequality has reached the highest point in more than 50 years. The
bottom 50% of families, representing 62 million U.S. households,
average $11,000 net worth.
The wealthiest 1% possesses 40% of
the nation’s wealth while the bottom 80% owns 7%. Eight people, six
from the U.S., own as much wealth as half of humanity. Only the top
20% fully recovered from the Great Recession.
Build a fightback!
Fighting RTW is an urgent task for
the labor movement and the left in the coming period. And our goal
should not be limited to stopping this reactionary anti-worker
legislation. Instead, we should be strategizing a road forward that
rolls back RTW and builds union power in the workplace and society.
Unions in Missouri won a clear victory against RTW in 2018 as voters
overwhelmingly rejected a right-to-work law passed by the state’s
Republican-controlled legislature.
United-front mass actions and
political independence are critical elements of a workers’
fightback. Mass mobilizations are just one weapon in our arsenal;
work stoppages and other job actions are necessary. This includes
preparing union members and their supporters to engage in a general
strike, a method that has been employed in Europe and Latin America
(generally for one or two days) but rarely used in the U.S. in recent
years. The general strike is a serious question requiring preparation
inside the unions and other working-class organizations. We must
rebuild fighting unions instead of groveling for crumbs at the
bosses’ table.
The betrayal of the Democrats in
Virginia is an example of why we need to start preparing for a Labor
Party in the U.S.—a party based on fighting unions and
organizations of the oppressed. For decades, the union bureaucracy
has subordinated the interests of union members and the broader
working class to the needs of the Democrats.
Time and again, the Democrats give
us half measures and sell us out to please Wall Street. We are told
repeatedly that a Labor Party isn’t viable, but the hard truth is
that the Democrats would be dead in the water without union money and
our get-out-the-vote efforts. Instead of expending our precious
resources to elect fickle allies, working people should build a party
of our own.
>> The article above was written by John Leslie.
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