Since Dec. 31, Puerto Rico has
been struck by a series of devastating earthquakes and aftershocks,
which have demolished many buildings on the southern portion of the
island and driven thousands from their homes. Half a million Puerto
Ricans were without power, an over 250,000 without water service. In
some areas, the effects of the earthquakes were worse than those
caused by Hurricane Maria in 2017. The infrastructure of the island
and thousands of homes have still not been fully repaired from Maria.
For background, we are printing
a speech that Ruwan Munasinghe presented as part of a panel
discussion, sponsored by the Young Socialist Alliance, at the
University of Connecticut in September 2019.
Puerto Rico is an island that in
many ways illustrates the crisis of capitalism that we are seeing in
our contemporary world. Colonialism, financial imperialism, debt,
austerity, migration, environmental crisis, and race—all are
fundamental aspects of an understanding of the current crisis we see
in Puerto Rico today.
Through the panel, I would
encourage you all to think about such things as Puerto Rican
citizenship. Do Puerto Ricans—as it is said—“enjoy” their
citizenship and have the same access to social programs as many
native mainlanders? How is the current crisis influenced by history?
How is this state—Connecticut—an important part of the struggle?
And, very importantly, why independence?
The most recent major development—a
development that many of us have been paying close attention to or
directly involving ourselves in—has been the mass demonstrations
that rose to a crescendo in July against Ricardo Rosello. We will
talk a lot more of the particular details of these mass mobilizations
but we should not see the demonstrations as mere reactions to the
telegraph leaks or anything the governor, as an individual, has done.
Rather we must put it into context as the culmination of many
different happenings.
The explosive demonstrations of
July 2019 were the culmination of a short history of mass
mobilizations. There was a general strike in 2009, there have been
teachers’ mobilizations together with students to stop
privatizations and school closures, and the past few May Days have
been portentous of the militancy of protesters and responding police
Very critical to understanding the
developments in July of 2019 is the protest movement in 2000 to shut
down the use of Vieques island (a U.S. Navy bombing and testing
ground) near the east coast of Puerto Rico. In October in the year
2000, the population took to the streets to demand the withdrawal of
the U.S. Navy from the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, after a local
security guard had been killed by a stray bullet. Some noted that the
spirit of the Vieques rebellion could be felt in the recent
Overall, one of the biggest events
in recent years has been the devastation of Hurricane maria. The
death toll from this hurricane is estimated to be something like over
3,000 dead. It is difficult to even understand or describe the sort
of trauma seen on the Island in the aftermath of Maria. A people
already struggling were dealt an unimaginable blow.
Climate change, driven by human
activity, is creating favorable conditions for stronger hurricanes,
with recent research finding that storms are intensifying more
rapidly than they were 30 years ago. From this, we can see how Maria
is an example of how industrial capitalism—itself an economic mode
of production that was made possible through slavery and colonialism
in the third world—is now affecting the third world.
However, Puerto Rico is a
particular case in which we see the devastation being so acutely
deepened by its current position within the system of imperialism and
colonialism. Puerto Rico is a colony of the United States—one of
only a handful of remaining direct colonies today. Today, the forces
of colonialism and imperialism are exerted upon the island through a
variety of ways, but notably through the near dictatorship of the
financial capitalists and their ruling-class associates.
In 2016, the U.S. Congress passed
PROMESA, which put Puerto Rico’s finances under the control of a
newly created Financial Oversight and Management Board. This body of
U.S.-appointed members oversees debt restructuring and essentially
operates to enforce austerity upon the island. This means heavy cuts
to social spending and massive privatization. In collaboration with
the financial imperialists of the Fiscal Control Board,
former-Governor Rossello personally forwarded efforts to privatize
the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA).
Indeed, Rosello’s post-hurricane
plan for the island set forward an ambitious austerity program of
closing hundreds of schools (in favor of privatized charter schools)
and other government entities. Between 2010 and 2017, roughly 340
public schools have been closed down, and the board has overseen a
massive slashing of University of Puerto Rico’s budget. It is no
wonder that we have been seeing massive mobilizations of students in
recent years.
It is very important to note that
the massive debt of Puerto Rico did not appear out of thin air. It
came, very consciously, from predatory financial instruments. Puerto
Rico is a plain example of the way in which, to quote Lenin in his
work “Imperalism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism,” “[the]
export of finance capital plays in creating the international network
of dependence and ties of finance capital.”
And in this context, we can see
that the problems that face Puerto Rico are the problems that face
all of the third world under capitalism today—debt, austerity,
hunger, climate change, financial imperialism, colonialism, racism.
We see in Puerto Rico all of the important problems of capitalism
that plague the entire world. The same capitalist destruction of the
environment that is affecting the Amazon as we speak is ravaging
Puerto Rico; the debt and IMF crisis affecting Argentina is similar
to that of Puerto Rico; the economic and environmental consequences
of colonialism and neocolonialism impact Puerto Rico as it does in
every subjugated nation.
And, as we see across the world,
Puerto Rico’s working class throughout history is exploited by an
imperial power under the dictates of that power’s economic
interest—in some cases, Puerto Rico has literally been testing
grounds for corporations and the U.S. government.
Lets just focus for one moment on
an issue as basic as food and hunger. Following Maria, access to food
was a major cause of strife. The destruction of the hurricane
elucidated for the world just how precarious lack of food sovereignty
can be. Roughly 85% of food that Puerto Ricans eat to sustain
themselves is imported from abroad. And this is on an island with
abundant soils that can grow a variety of foods.
This is a recurring issue across
the third world. Here I evoke the words of the Burkina Faso
revolutionary, Thomas Sankara, who once asked an audience
rhetorically, “Where is imperialism?” “Just look into your
plates when you eat,” he said. “You see the imported corn, rice
or millet: this is imperialism.”
Lets consume what we can control
and break from imperialist dependence. The precarious position that
massive food imports places Boricuas in terms of food sovereignty and
susceptibility to natural disaster is not the fault of the island’s
masses! Years of colonialism have dictated what Puerto Rican land is
used for. That is, the capitalist class has ruled over the Puerto
Rican people in deciding what Puerto Rican land, as well as labor and
capita,l are used for. These decisions over production are not in the
interests of Puerto Ricans (to feed themselves properly) but rather
in the interests of the capitalists in maximizing profit—which
means a topography of monoculture: the mark of a colonized land and
ecological vulnerability.
Speaking in the context of Africa,
the Caribbean socialist Walter Rodney once said that “there was
nothing natural about monoculture. It was a consequence of
imperialist requirements and machinations, extending into areas that
were politically independent [only] in name. Monoculture was a
characteristic of regions falling under imperialist domination.” In
the case of Puerto Rico, the arable land (and I would include
the stomachs of
the people of Puerto Rico) has historically fallen to the dictates of
the bosses of U.S. sugar and coffee interests and the financial
oligarchs at large—as has been the case with all natural resources,
capital, productive forces on the island. The effects of this
historical fact are still felt today.
Similarly, we must firmly situate
the issue of debt upon the historical reality that the third world
faces today. From Pakistan to Jamaica, from Argentina to Egypt, the
neoliberal financial wisdom of the so-called “Washington consensus”
(overseen usually by the IMF, World Bank, etc.) has historically
perpetuated the maintenance of a debt to the first world, which in
turn results in less and less money for the beholden country to
spend. Pakistan, for instance, recently passed an austerity budget;
and this is in a country where most people don’t have access to two
meals a day.
Debt is used as a means to
perpetuate the status of the colonial semi-colonial world. As my
friend Richmond Apore says, the way the system works is as if you
have a broken arm and in order to get a replacement arm you have to
cut off your leg; and to replace your leg you must cut of your hand,
and so on and so on.
Like many colonies with a large
population, agriculture did not remain the dominant part of the
economy forever. Today, manufacturing makes up a significant part of
Puerto Rico’s export value. The program “Operation Bootstrap”
in the middle of the 20th century was an attempt (in conjunction with
U.S. interests) to utilize the Island’s labor force. In the mid
1960s, manufacturing overtook agriculture in the economy. This is
something we are seeing increasingly today: manufacturing in the
third world is rising up in areas that previously perpetuated
colonial-influenced agriculture and cash-crop-based economies.
For example, Sri Lanka (where I am
from) now has an economy where manufacturing—particularly garment
and clothing manufacturing—is now the most important part of the
economy in terms of total value of exports, thus breaking with an
over 100-year-old history of a plantation-based economy. This is a
relatively new development of semi-colonial areas under capitalism
that we have to reckon with and study as scientific revolutionary
socialists and even more importantly as activists.
Relatedly, we must understand the
need of the United States to exploit Puerto Rican labor. This is
actually what drove the first major wave of Puerto Ricans to the
mainland United States. In Connecticut it was initially things like
tobacco farm work that recruited the unemployed on the island and
brought them to places like Windsor Locks and Hartford to work
harvesting shade tobacco under horrendous conditions. The point was
for companies to increase profit. As Ruth Glasser writes, “By using
island labor to sort Connecticut grown leaves and roll cigars,
companies could pay less than minimum wage and avoid income tax.”
These were really the trailblazers
of the Puerto Rican community in Connecticut—a state with one of
the highest percentages of Puerto Ricans in the nation. Later,
migrants worked in factories such as the textile factories of
Willimantic. In places like Hartford, the community formed around
each other. Formal and informal groups of “diasporicans” sprung
up to help community members in both political and non-political
ways. I was recently thrilled to come across a picture of the Young
Lords demonstrating against police brutality on the steps of city
council in Hartford (in the 1970s). And the Young Lords have
mobilized significantly in Bridgeport too.
I hope you can see how Puerto Rico
is immediately pressing here in Connecticut. Climate change alone has
brought hundreds of Puerto Ricans to this state in places like
Hartford, where climate migrants were housed in the Red Room Inn—but
only temporarily and still suffer with hardships like access to
proper housing and childcare.
As I mentioned before, diasporicans
in Connecticut made their presence felt by participating in the Ricky
Renuncia protests. I would even say that I think Connecticut has a
unique part in the struggle, and Puerto Rico is pertinent
for all people
in Connecticut.
What are some solutions that we can
work toward? The first logical thing to do would be to continue mass
mobilizations and press forward with demands that Wanda Vasquez
resign. One of the things I’m still trying to consider is whether
or not to advocate for a constituent assembly—which has been voiced
from many leftists on the island. Would it be a positive development,
as such a body could work to solve the problems of governance (like
who should be the next governor) and also the issue of U.S. control?
Of course, a longer-term goal would be the break with U.S. control.
It is good to reflect on the fact
that we have seen many mass mobilizations in the past month. In
addition to Puerto Rico, Algeria (where YSA members have been making
contact with student leaders) and Sudan come to mind. All of these
movements have been inspiring, but we must realize that none of them
had a radical leadership that could have led the movement away from
mistakes and concessions to the bourgeoisie (both national and
foreign) and towards a complete revolution.
Above all, it is important to
reflect on the fact that we have seen many third world socialist
liberation struggles. Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Chile,
Algeria, Nicaragua, and so on—but the only one to successfully
break with capitalism is Cuba. This is the only one that decisively
broke from collaborating with their respective national bourgeoisies.
That brave act allowed them to
enact a monopoly of foreign trade and prevent foreign capital from
wrecking every reform effort from behind the scenes. It allowed them
to use their natural wealth and working-class creativity not for
private profit but for building one of the best medical systems in
Latin America. It allowed them to make education available to all. It
allowed them to use the land in the interests of small farmers and
food sovereignty.
It inspired much of the world and
showed that a country could build itself on the basis of human need
without the deformations that the bureaucracy imposed on the Soviet
Union. Socialists in the struggle for Puerto Rican independence need
to study the Cuban experiment and figure out what it might mean for
Puerto Rico and the semi-colonial world around the globe. But these
are just my views and I offer them as part of the broader discussion
we are holding here tonight.
>> The article above is by Ruwan Munasinghe.
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