proto-fascist Proud Boys, militia members, and groups linked to the far right
DeVos family, the Kochs, and other rightist figures participated in this
mobilization. At one point, protesters’ cars blocked access to a hospital and
delayed an ambulance reaching the ER for 10 minutes. Organizers supposedly
cautioned participants to stay in their cars to maintain social distancing, but
this was ignored by hundreds who streamed onto capitol grounds.
demonstrations calling on states to end the lockdowns have occurred in Ohio,
North Carolina, Minnesota, Utah, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Kentucky. Another such
protest is planned in Harrisburg, Pa., on April 20.
While some
disoriented workers may have participated in this mobilization, the real social
base of this manifestation was in the petty bourgeoisie, such as small business
owners, shopkeepers, and small contractors. Small capitalists, who didn’t get
the same bailouts as the richest segment of society, are also threatened with
ruin by the current COVID-19-associated economic crisis.
These protests are not being organized by robed Klansmen or
neo-Nazis. They are being put into motion by powerful interests, including the
Michigan Conservative Coalition, a GOP front group, and the Michigan Freedom
Fund, a conservative group with ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. DeVos
herself is an offspring of the powerful Prince family. Her father was a
long-time kingmaker in Michigan politics. Her brother Eric was the founder of
the Blackwater mercenary outfit. Other organizations involved with these
protests—the Heritage Foundation, the Tea Party Patriots, FreedomWorks, and
ALEC are all controlled and financed by Charles Koch. The Koch brothers were
centrally involved in the formation of the Tea Party movement.
of course, is encouraging these protests, tweeting, “Liberate Minnesota! Liberate
Virginia! Liberate Michigan!” While saying in public that ending the
lockdowns is up to the governors, he is mobilizing his base with the exact
opposite message. In the case of Virginia, he is invoking the 2nd Amendment, an
action that sets the stage for armed demonstrations.
Capitalist crisis
The world
capitalist economy was already moving to crisis. The coronavirus crisis has
deepened and accelerated the situation.
In the
U.S., there is an opportunity for the working class and its allies to build
both social and class struggles. This is also an opportunity to build an
independent working-class party. None of this is preordained but is a
possibility. We already saw an uptick in class struggles before the crisis.
Now, we see workers acting on the job in self-defense. We also see working
people demanding relief from rents and debt as the crisis deepens.
The ruling
class has exposed itself. It’s clear to many people now that the rich care more
about their wealth than the lives of people. You see it in politicians and
reactionary commentators, like Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, and Fox host Jeanine Pirro,
who state that society must accept a certain number of deaths to restart the
economy. This chorus is joined by politicians associated with the GOP.
An opportunity for the
crisis is also an opportunity for the far right, which is already mobilizing as
we see in Michigan and other places. This represents a mobilization of what
Trotsky called the “crazed petty bourgeoisie” and provides one of the elements
of the raw material of fascism. These demonstrations are reminiscent of those
put on by the reactionary Tea Party, which had the character of a proto-fascist
movement. The Tea Party rose in reaction to the election of the first Black
president of the U.S. and represented the reactionary fears of a layer of white
people who had been battered by neoliberalism and globalization.
there is no mass fascist movement today, the far right has been energized by
Trump and his anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric. From Charlottesville to
Portland, the far right has been organizing and preparing for conflict. The
ruling class does not need a mass fascist movement at this time but will call
up such a movement if their power and wealth are threatened.
In 1932, Trotsky wrote about this
phenomenon, “At the moment that the ‘normal’ police and military resources of
the bourgeois dictatorship, together with their parliamentary screens, no
longer suffice to hold society in a state of equilibrium—the turn of the
fascist regime arrives. Through the fascist agency, capitalism sets in motion the masses
of the crazed petty bourgeoisie and the bands of declassed and demoralized
lumpenproletariat—all the countless human beings whom finance capital itself
has brought to desperation and frenzy” (italics, my emphasis).
No illusions
While the
Sanders campaign is over, illusions in reformist electoralism are still strong.
Working people can’t afford to delude themselves about the nature of the state
and its institutions. We can’t rely on the capitalist courts, cops, or
politicians to protect us from the far right.
reference to cops and fascism, Socialist Workers Party leader Farrell Dobbs wrote: “What is the tactic of
the ruling class? How does the ruling class proceed when it’s getting ready to
utilize fascism? What they want at that point is to turn from the existing form
of bourgeois rule to a ruthless fascist dictatorship. The objective is to crush
the organizations and the combat capacity of the working class, the main
opponent of the capitalist class.
“In a
given country at a particular time when the bourgeoisie opens this chapter,
there will be one or another degree of democratic rights. Our situation is one
where there are on the law books a somewhat extensive body of formal democratic
rights won by the masses in the history of the class struggle in the U.S. The
approach of the ruling class is to begin to move toward a deterioration of
those rights.
tactic is to protect the rights of the fascists while at the same time using
fascist forces to try to keep others from exercising those rights. One of the
forces used to implement this is that most malevolent of all the repressive
instruments of capitalist rule, the police forces. The police structure is of a
character that makes it a breeding ground for fascists.
“You don’t
only have an army of capitalist cops that represses opponents of capitalism,
you have a ripe recruiting ground for fascism itself. You not only have cops
implementing ruling class orders in aiding the fascists, you have a police
force that is honeycombed with fascists.”
economist Ernest Mandel also made an essential point on the nature of the
modern state, writing: “It should not take much perspicacity to see that the
industrialists and bankers, who own and operate most of the resources of the
United States and control the major political parties, likewise direct the
employment of the military machine and other repressive agencies of the federal
government The use of police, state guards, and federal troops to put down the
ghetto uprisings testifies to the openly repressive function of the capitalist
state apparatus. Yet liberal Americans find it difficult to generalize from
these quite flagrant facts and thus to accept the sociological definition of
state power offered by Marxism.
“They are
blinded or baffled by three misconceptions: (1) that there are no clearly
defined class formations in American society; (2) that there are no serious or
irreconcilable conflicts between classes; and (3) that the government is not
‘the executive committee’ administering the general affairs and furthering the
aims of the capitalist exploiters, but that it is—or can be made into—the
supreme agency for taking care of the welfare of the whole people, rather than
serving the interests of the minority rich” (Mandel, The Marxist Theory of the State).
argue that bourgeois political parties are integral parts of the capitalist
state setup. They serve the purpose of legitimizing and organizing the capitalist
state. But, you might ask, aren’t there workers in the Democratic Party? What
about them?
Democrats are very skilled at co-opting the leaderships of social movements,
labor, women, oppressed nationalities, LGBTQI+, into their structures and using
these leaderships to subordinate working people and social movements to their
agenda. This is where the left “wing” of the party comes into play. They
play a crucial role as a reformist shock absorber for capital, not as an
opposition. The party tends to tolerate this left wing as long as it doesn’t
get too close to the levers of power in the party.
socialist opposition to working inside the Democratic Party isn’t about
“sectarianism” or ultraleftism but is based on the principled and practical observation
that decades of work inside that party by some housebroken socialists and
ostensible communists has not advanced the struggles of workers and the
Fighting back
forward, we have to build social and class struggles, and a class-struggle left
wing in the unions. It’s also necessary to forge a revolutionary combat party.
We have to be prepared to mobilize the working class and its allies against a
far-right movement that will try to exploit this crisis. Workers’ organizations
should also support demands for support for small businesses. This will help
expose the ruling class as enemies of the petty bourgeois layers.
counter-mobilization against the far right is an essential tool in our arsenal.
This will require the involvement of the unions, as the primary mass
organizations of workers, however flawed they may be at the present time. A
growing far-right movement will also bring into focus the need for defense
guards to protect our movements and meetings.
>> The article above was written by John Leslie.
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