date, over a thousand people connected to the plant are confirmed to have
contracted the virus. Over 800 of them are plant workers and the rest are
family members and other folks in the community whom they came into contact
with. So far, four of the workers have died.
first reported case was on March 24. In a facility where most workers work
elbow to elbow, the virus spread like wildfire. The workers and their union, the
United Food and Commercial Workers, began demanding back in March for increased
protective gear and for the company to take the pandemic seriously. The
company’s response was to offer workers a $500 bonus if they kept coming in to
production, and keeping costs down, was so important to the company that it
didn’t even make a serious effort to communicate with its workforce about the
3700 workers at the Smithfield plant come from all over the world. Forty
different languages can be heard on the shop floor. Of the leading languages
spoken by the workers (Spanish, Oromo, Amharic, Tigrinya, Vietnamese, Kunama,
Swahili, English, Nepali, and French) only one—English—was used in publishing
instructions about COVID-19. Even after workers became so sick that they could
no longer work and had to be sent home, the packet they got instructing them
how to keep it from spreading to their loved ones was only in English.
after pressure was brought to be bear by the community and the state,
Smithfield announced it was closing its plant. But that didn’t happen until
April 12, by which time a quarter of the workers were sick and it was spreading
throughout the community.
workers are still being buried, South Dakota’s Republican governor, Kristi
Noem, and President Trump are already calling for the plant to be re-opened.
federal government is offering to officially force the plant to re-open under
the Defense Production Act, which would then make Smithfield immune from
lawsuits from its workers and the community. At least 22 other meat and poultry
plants in the United States that have closed down due to the virus would also
be affected by Trump’s order.
than 6500 meat and food-processing workers have been infected by COVID-19 across
the country, according to a recent report by the United Food and Commercial
Workers union. At least 20 of them are known to have died. And given the
reckless greed of capitalism, those numbers are likely to grow. That is unless
we’re able to stand up and say, “enough is enough!” We’ve seen how capitalists
intend to handle this crisis. As socialists, we say that now more than ever,
the time has come for the workers themselves to run things.
>> The article
above was written by Adam Ritscher.
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