workers at Amazon have won temperature checks and facemasks nationwide, Target
workers have won face masks and gloves, and gig workers at Instacart have won
safety kits. These important victories are still just a small portion of what
workers in these industries need and deserve. The likelihood of holding onto
and expanding on these victories grows slim in the absence of workers forming a
a union, the company will undoubtedly attempt to scrub away any gains. They
will fire leaders, restructure the workplace, or even close down whole
facilities and fire the entire workforce. The bosses have time and money, and
even with a union they make the managers constantly apply pressure to break the
workers’ resolve.
union contract is only as good as union members are willing to fight to defend
the contract or even extend it through shop floor militancy. Sometimes, bosses
try tricks to break workers down by creating a “family”-type atmosphere with
incentives, but more often they try to drive a hostile wedge between workers in
a shop. Managers are trained to spread rumors or poke at workers’ skill level,
racial, religious, sexual preferences, and gender differences to create open
wounds that are difficult to heal.
UPS, for example, managers will tell the low-wage part-time truck loaders that
the drivers make double their wages. A manager will then ask, “You bust your
back everyday for very little pay, why should you care how well the truck is
loaded for a driver making three times what you make?” Then out of the other
side of their mouth, managers tell the drivers that the underpaid truck loaders
are lazy and stupid and have no respect for the drivers’ long delivery day.
class-conscious union member can cut through these types of deceptions and
explain how the company uses these divisions to take money from the worker and
put it in the investors’ pocket. On the shop floor a militant can explain that
worker anger should be directed to stop the boss’s speedups, unjust discipline,
and cutting corners when it comes to safety.
battleground in the class war is never fair or stable for workers. But without
an organization the fight is hopeless. The very basic elementary weapon for
class struggle is the union. These first victories by workers today will only be
consolidated by the continued militancy and self-organization of the workers
into a union. Nearly 800,000 Amazonians from California to Chicago to New York
City need to unite their struggles in a sustained effort to force the bosses to
recognize them as a union.
class struggle today, as always, will be renewed with the militancy of the
low-wage, underemployed, immigrant, and oppressed workers. The COVID-19 crisis
has demonstrated widespread sympathies for frontline workers in the U.S. and
across the globe. The groundwork already exists for a deep and
far-reaching solidarity movement, which could raise millions of dollars to
sustain a serious organizing drive that will likely need a massive strike to
will it take a massive strike for Amazon workers to win union recognition?
Because the game is always rigged in favor of the bosses. The COVID-19 crisis
is ushering in an era of anti-union government regulations with a high level of
pro-employer bravado. Companies are planning to leverage “economic woes” to
break collective bargaining agreements, and promote anti-union and
decertification sentiments in the workplace.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is making union elections more difficult
for workers. Previous gains won by labor for quicker
elections have been rolled back in 2020. On May 31 the amount of time
workers have between the day they file for the union election and the day they
vote will double. The bosses use this time to hammer away at union support by
hiring anti-union consultants who hold workers hostage through captive
audience meetings that are meant to psychologically wear workers down and
plant seeds of distrust.
a similar move the NLRB has put forward new rules that will make it easier for
employers to manipulate elections and promote the idea of decertification among
anti-union workers. In the past, workers would have one year after an election
to decertify a union, but the
new rule would allow a decertification process to begin just 45 days after
a union election.
NLRB has never been a friend of the worker. Regardless of whether a
Democrat or a Republican is president, the laws of the U.S. are made to protect
the employers’ rights. Laws are up for interpretation, and it’s rare that
workers get a fair hearing in capitalist courts that are meant to uphold the
property and privilege of the bosses. Workers who forego organized action and
instead rely on the law to protect their rights face a lifetime of
bosses and the politicians continually demonstrate their inability to quickly
and adequately provide health, safety, and funding for workers to survive
COVID-19 related financial and medical burdens. The bosses are sacrificing
frontline essential workers every day to save a few dollars. Instead of using
the incredible productive capacity of the U.S. war industry to have workers to
produce PPE and ventilators, they are still producing fighter jets, submarines,
and bombs.
years of being put on the defensive, labor in the United States is beginning to
awaken. Inspired by the political example of mass movements like the Standing
Rock No DAPL protests and the massive Black Lives Matter demonstrations,
workers have begun building their own movements, using their most powerful
weapon—the strike.
the UCSC grad worker strikes today, the 2018 teachers’ strikes started out
as rank-and-file-led wildcat strikes but were transformed into a mobilization
of hundreds of thousands of workers in over half a dozen states. That strike
wave was the largest in over 30 years and in many places illegal. It showed
concretely that strikes are viable, powerful, and can receive community
support. The teachers’ strikes, especially in West Virginia and Oklahoma, were
especially significant because they took up political demands, including fair
wages for all workers, health-care reform, and heavy taxation on polluting
industries. They also showed the necessity of striking to win. The whole
country was given a stark lesson in workers’ power when West Virginia teachers
rejected the government’s and union leadership’s insufficient agreement and
stayed out on the picket line.
teachers’ strike paved the way to an increase in national and company-wide
strikes in recent years. These include the 2018 Marriott strike, which included
almost 8000 workers for three months; the 2019 Stop and Shop strike, over
31,000 workers for 10 days; and the 2019 General
Motors strike, 40,000 workers for six weeks. These strikes cost capitalists
billions of dollars and took up demands that organized labor has been silent on
in recent years. GM and Stop ’n Shop workers, for example, took up the cause of
fighting against two-tier wages and for the rights of part-time co-workers.
trends in the labor fightback are becoming crystallized through the COVID-19
crisis. On the one hand, is the use of the strike, and on the other, raising
political demands that move past basic “bread and butter” issues. The pandemic
has starkly raised the question of whether the most class-conscious workers
will push to build the labor movement by organizing millions of workers into
unions, and in doing so, turn those unions—with a reinvigorated rank and file,
fresh with the lessons of surviving the pandemic—into dynamic organs of class
The article above was written by Ernie Gotta and Vinnie Rothsman.
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