During the course of the past two months, retail super-giant Walmart, notorious for its low wages, unfair labor practices, and union-busting agenda, faced the first strikes in the
showdown began on Sept. 12 in Inland Empire , Calif. , when warehouse workers struck over
grueling working conditions and unpaid wages. Their strike culminated in a
dramatic six-day-long, 50-mile march to City Hall in Los Angeles . The workers withstood grueling Southern California heat, as thermometers reached 108
degrees during the march; but they proclaimed that the high temperatures paled
in comparison to those they faced on the job.
workers, mostly Latin@ immigrants, face appalling job conditions in Walmart’s
distribution chain. Temperatures can reach 120 degrees in the metal-box
containers that low-wage contractors fill with products destined for retail
stores and distribution centers. The warehouses themselves are open structures,
with no walls to shield employees from elements such as dust, heat, and
precipitation. The pallets of boxes, which are moved via carts, range up to 250
pounds and often collide with the shins of unsuspecting workers, resulting in
bruises and other injuries. In addition, employees are often forced to work
through breaks and meals and can face harassment from management for even
stopping to fill up a bottle of water during their shift. Many are also called
into work early and are required to stay late without pay.
On Sept.
28, after being on strike for over two weeks, the California warehouse employees returned to
work, having secured key demands for safety improvement in the workplace. Their
struggle garnered national and international recognition, with workers from
countries such as South Korea , Chile , and Bangladesh sending messages of support to the
Walmart strikers.
with the walkouts in California , warehouse workers in Elwood , Ill. , employed by RoadLink, a
third-party distribution company hired by Walmart, presented a petition to
their management on Sept. 15 demanding better conditions on the job.
Immediately, management responded by firing four leaders of the petition drive
and threatened layoffs against others who dared to organize. This tipped off a
strike that would last for three weeks, drawing in community support for the
workers’ struggle.
On Oct. 1,
nearly 650 people amassed outside the distribution center in Elwood, leading to
a shutdown of operations that Walmart claims cost it $8 million. Police donning
riot gear loomed over the demonstration while the protesters showed solidarity
with the warehouse workers. Seventeen people were arrested for civil
disobedience, as they temporarily blocked a road.
By Oct. 6,
after presenting a petition with 100,000 signatures to Walmart management in Chicago the previous day, the Elwood
warehouse workers won their key demands and returned to work. Their victory
included full compensation for the duration of the strike, installation of
ceiling fans in the warehouse, shin guards and other protective gear provided
by management, and a series of other protocols designed to create a safer work
workers walk out
The modest
victories secured by Walmart supply workers in Illinois and California inspired others to take action. On
Oct. 5, sixty retail workers went on strike at Walmart in Los Angeles . Within a week, the retail employee
strike, organized by the UFCW-affiliated group, OUR Walmart, spread to over a
dozen states and encompassed hundreds of workers. As many as 200 retail
employees held a protest at Walmart’s headquarters in Bentonville , Ark. , on Oct. 10, demanding that the
multinational corporation give attention to their grievances.
While most
of the warehouse workers in Walmart’s distribution chain are hired through temp
agencies or third-party contractors, the retail associates, totaling 1.4
million workers, are employed directly by the company. Most of these employees
barely scrape by on the wages paid by Walmart, with the average wage being less
than $9/hour. Meanwhile, according to The Huffington Post, the Walton
family, who owns the Walmart chain, is worth $89.5 billion, or the equivalent
of the poorest 41.5 percent (nearly 125 million people) of Americans combined.
As we go to
press, retail employees are threatening to strike on Black Friday (Nov. 23),
which is the biggest shopping spree day of the year. According to OUR Walmart’s
website, forrespect.org, the group’s members “are coming together from across
the country and are refusing to work on Black Friday in protest of Walmart’s
continuing retaliation against Associates who speak out for better pay,
affordable healthcare, improved working conditions, fair schedules, more hours,
and most of all, respect.”
action: substitute for unions?
One factor
that makes these strikes significant is that the workers do not have a labor
union; many are organized in workers’ centers instead. The three main workers’
centers involved in the movement are Warehouse Workers for Justice (WWJ),
affiliated with the union UE in Illinois ; Warehouse Workers United (WWU),
part of the Change to Win Federation in California ; and Organization United for
Respect or OUR Walmart, which is associated with the United Food and Commercial
Workers Union (UFCW).
centers play an important role among unorganized employees and the community.
They promote labor advocacy, build ties with community groups, organize
protests and “direct actions,” and perform important support roles for
low-income working people. Many of these groups have ties or explicit support
from various labor unions.
when it comes to organizing on the job there is no substitute for
collective action and unionization. Workers’ centers can serve as an important
preliminary to union organizing on the job, and some groups certainly do have
this perspective—for instance, the United Electrical Workers (UE). However, the
Walmart strikes have prompted some commentators to argue that workers’ centers
can replace the need for organizing a labor union in the workplace.
Eidlin, a postdoctoral fellow at UW-Madison, wrote in Counterpunch: “The
workers are not striking for a union contract. They are not even strictly
speaking trying to join a union. They are organizing with the help of groups
like the Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart), Warehouse
Workers United, and Warehouse Workers for Justice. These groups are union
funded, but organizationally autonomous. They do not engage in collective
bargaining. … In combining the risky and disruptive tactics of old with new
organizational forms, the latest round of organizing at Walmart could be just
the ticket.”
centers certainly play an important role and are useful in building support for
labor struggles; but ultimately, if working people expect to solidify the gains
they’ve secured in the workplace, all their co-workers must be organized
together to bargain and take action as a unified front.
A great
example of the power that workers can exercise through unions, when they have a
leadership oriented to class struggle and collective action, is the recent
teachers’ strike in Chicago . When Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the
Democratic Party went on the offensive against Chicago ’s teachers, cancelled previously
negotiated salary increase, demanded changes to evaluations and pay structures,
and fought for the implementation of many other austerity measures aimed at
crushing the union, the Chicago Teachers’ Union (CTU ) organized a militant strike to
defend against the onslaught.
Through a
broad campaign to build community support for the strike, with picket lines and
rallies outside the schools and an effective educational campaign, highlighting
that teachers were fighting for better schools, the CTU was able to beat back the
unionism must also elevate workplace struggles to the political level. The need
for a labor party, based on workers and democratic unions ready to fight for
the interests of the working class as a whole, is becoming more evident with
each new struggle that erupts and each new concession forced on the 99 percent
by the capitalist class.
A labor
party could unite the struggles of Chicago teachers, Walmart employees, and
all other workers into a fight for a better livelihood, which is necessarily a
political struggle.
> The article above was written by Daniel Xavier of Socialist Action newspaper.
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