Saturday, February 21, 2015

Say "NO!" to "Right to Work" in Wisconsin!

Reactionary legislators have announced that they have the votes to fast track a "Right to Work" bill and have it ready for the Governor to sign within a few weeks. And it doesn't sound like they're bluffing. This would devastate our state's labor movement.

Right to Work is nothing more than an attempt by Big Business to drive down wages. Despite its progressive sounding name, "Right to Work" legislation is an anti-working class proposal that would make it illegal to require all workers at a unionized workplace to join the union. This will mean smaller, weaker unions that will have a much harder time negotiating with the bosses. It will mean lower wages and benefits. 

Join us for a rally against this union-busting piece of legislation.  We'll be protesting on Feb. 26 from 5:30-6:30pm at the City Center Park at the corner of Belknap St. and Tower Ave. in front of the Superior Public Library.  Bring a friend; in fact bring ALL your friends!

Below is a link for a PDF flier for the protest.  Please print it out and distribute!

And please sign the online petition that has been set up by the Wisconsin AFL-CIO.  Here is the link for it:

Now is the time to raise our voice against this reactionary legislation. Lets stand together and show the power that solidarity still has!

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