pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and Trump critics sparked
nationwide fear and an FBI manhunt. The 14 bombs were sent to
billionaire George Soros, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
former President Barack Obama, Former Vice President Joe Biden, actor
Robert DeNiro, and others. One of the devices was delivered to the
offices of CNN in New York City, causing an evacuation of the
the FBI closed in on a suspect, rightists discounted the bomb plot as
a “false flag” conspiracy. The search for the bomber culminated
in the arrest of a Florida Trump supporter, Cesar Sayoc, who had
posted angry threats against Trump critics online.
Oct. 24, a white gunman, Gregory Alan Bush, executed two African
Americans in the parking lot of a Kroger market in Jeffersontown, Ky.
He had tried to gain entry into the predominantly Black First Baptist
Church earlier in the day.
week of rightist terror culminated in the mass murder at Pittsburgh’s
Tree of Life synagogue. The shooter, Robert Bowers, who had posted
anti-Semitic and violent sentiments on social media, shouted, “all
Jews must die,” as he entered the place of worship. Bowers murdered
11 people and wounded six, including four cops who responded to the
Sayoc, Bowers is not a Trump supporter and wrote that he thinks the
president has been “too soft” on Jews. In recent weeks, Bowers
posted messages on the social media platform Gab.com charging that
Jews have facilitated “illegal” immigration to the U.S. On the
morning of the killings, he posted that “HIAS [Hebrew National
Refugee Shabbat] likes to bring invaders [i.e., immigrants] in that
kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch our people get
slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
rhetoric helps foment right-wing violence
Trump was elected, there has been an uptick in hate crimes and
violence against people of color, Muslims, LGBTQI people, and
immigrants. Trump’s racist, Islamophobic, and anti-immigrant
rhetoric has fueled this wave of hate. His assertion that Democrats
are financing the migrant caravan now crossing Mexico is the latest
fuel heaped on the fire. Migrants fleeing poverty and violence caused
by U.S. imperialist policy are scapegoated as possible terrorists and
gang members.
the midst of this orgy of rightist violence, Trump announced his
intent to send at least 800 U.S. Army troops to “protect” the
southern border from families fleeing poverty and violence.
Reactionary militia groups are raising funds to send members to the
border to stop the migrant caravan. While we reject the notion that
Trump represents a rising fascism, it’s clear that the far right,
including fascist-minded elements, have been energized by his
immigrant bashing, Islamophobia, and racism.
Soros conspiracy theory, which claims that the Jewish billionaire is
behind protest movements, pays protesters, manipulates financial
markets, and finances antifa (anti-fascist) groups, has been a staple
of far-right conspiracy websites, like Breitbart and Infowars, and
right-wing movements. Some reactionary forces believe that Soros
himself is a tool of the Rothschild banking family, Jews who have
been targeted by a conspiracy theory that goes back as far as the
Napoleonic Wars.
conspiracy allegations have attained mainstream acceptance in GOP
circles as Trump and other Republicans have made assertions about
Soros’ supposed role in paying protesters and financing social
movements. Trump claimed, without evidence, that Soros had paid the
“elevator screamers” who protested the nomination of Brett
Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Trumpist Congressman Matt Gaetz
tweeted the claim that the migrant caravan was financed by Soros, who
paid migrants to “join the caravan & storm the US border
@ election time.”
Sayoc, Bush, and Bowers do not appear to be part of a coordinated
effort or organized hate groups, activists should not discount the
effect of their actions. The right celebrates them as heroes and
“lone wolf” actors. The terror they foster is real. The actions
of these individuals is reminiscent of the actions of Oklahoma City
bomber Timothy McVeigh and others who were inspired by the “Turner
Diaries,” a book authored by the neo-Nazi, Willian Pierce. The book
is set in a future where the United States has been overthrown by a
white racist revolution and describes how the revolution was sparked
by a terror campaign. The “Turner Diaries” was cited by McVeigh
as his “bible.” The book remains a popular item at gun shows
across the U.S.
Boys and other rightist thugs
in the United States are arming themselves, training, and preparing
for violence. An outbreak of such violence took place at a pro-Trump
“Make America Great Again” rally in Huntington Beach, Calif., in
March 2017. The neo-Nazi rag, the Daily
Stormer celebrated
the event with an article headlined, “Trumpenkriegers Physically
Remove Antifa Homos in Huntington Beach.” The violence was
perpetrated by an ultra-right, white-supremacist group, the Rise
Above Movement (RAM), headed by Robert Rundo, who also was involved
in violent actions in Charlottesville, Va., and in Berkeley, Calif.,
last year.
week, Rundo and other RAM members were arrested by the FBI on charges
that the men used the internet to organize their activities,
coordinate “combat training” and “celebrate their acts of
violence in order to recruit members for future events.”
Proud Boy attacks in New York City and Portland are additional
examples of the violent propensities of the far right. In Portland,
on Oct. 13, Proud Boys joined with Patriot Prayer and other far-right
groups in a “flash mob for law and order” to counter a memorial
gathering for police shooting victim Patrick Kimmons. Police said
that people carried knives, hard-knuckle gloves, and firearms into
the melee that followed. Two days later, Portland police officials
announced that they had found a stockpile of guns stashed in a
parking garage near the scene of a Proud Boys action in August.
New York on Oct. 12, Proud Boys attacked people who were protesting
their participation in a meeting of a local Republican Party club.
“Do you feel brave now, faggot?” a Proud Boy screamed at one of
his victims, but police looked the other way during the attack.
Although no Proud Boys were arrested at the time, three anti-fascist
demonstrators were caught by the cops and charged with assault and
petty larceny. (Later, after Democratic Party politicians asked to
look into the matter, at least nine arrest warrants for Proud Boys
members were issued by the police.)
rightists, including Proud Boys and 3%er Militia, are currently
mobilizing for a rally in Philadelphia on Nov. 17.
Proud Boys, unlike some far right groups, avoid the imagery of the
Klan or the Third Reich. Instead, they cloak themselves in a
clean-cut style and avoid overtly racist rhetoric. They define
themselves as “Western chauvinists” and admit people of color to
their ranks. However, members of the group have appeared alongside
neo-Nazis and fascists from Charlottesville to Portland. This
operational unity in action is more relevant than their claims of not
being racist.
Boys founder Gavin McInnes has openly advocated violence against
opponents of President Trump. “Fighting solves everything. We need
more violence from the Trump people. Trump supporters: choke a
motherfucker. Choke a bitch. Choke a tranny. Get your fingers around
the windpipe,” McInnes said recently.
supporters of civil liberties must repudiate the recent violence and
bigoted rhetoric by the far right. Workers and the oppressed cannot
rely on the capitalists’ police, courts, or politicians for
protection. The Democrats’ call for a vote in the midterm election
to stop reaction is an exercise in political futility. What is needed
is mass counter-mobilization based on the mass organizations of
workers and the oppressed. A united movement of the unions, Black and
Brown organizations, immigrant organizations, the LGBTQI movement,
and the women’s movement can stop the ultra-right in its tracks.
the same time, workers and the oppressed must assert their right to
organized self-defense through the construction of defense guards
based on their mass organizations. This is not a fight that can be
won by small groups of isolated fighters or by any one social group
alone. Defeating the far right requires the building of a broad
social and political movement. Advancing the struggles of the
oppressed and exploited also requires the building of a revolutionary
workers party to take forward the fight against this racist and
criminal system.
>> The article above was written by John Leslie, and is reprinted from Socialist Action.
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