Last week a number of activists posted pictures on social media of fliers that were posted around Duluth's Leaf Erickson Park by a white supremacist group called the Patriot Front. Fox 21 covered the story, and just this past weekend, community activists gathered at the Central Hillside Community Center to express their outrage and plan a response.
Unfortunately, it was just discovered that more Patriot Front fliers have been found, this time in Superior on the UWS campus. A member of Socialist Action encountered the flier posted above on April 15. Unlike the fliers posted at Leif Erickson park, which had a populist anti-money message, these fliers contained a crude red-baiting message that suggests that socialists should be murdered. The right-wing slogan of "Better Dead Than Red" was a common one used during the McCarthy witch-hunts of the 1950s that saw thousands of communists and socialists fired from their jobs, black listed and harassed. Hundreds more had to flee the country, and dozens were sent to prison on absurd charges.
We reject these reactionary attempts to divide working people. Groups like the Patriotic Front, while posing as part of the working class, push a poisonous, divisive message of racism, bigotry and red-baiting. Their ideology is the anti-thesis of the progressive values and tradition of solidarity that the working class movement was built on. We call on folks to tear down these fliers when they encounter them, and to contact us whenever you encounter members of this group organizing or holding meetings, so that we can organize public counter-mobilizations against them. We ignore the organizing efforts of reactionary groups like this at our own risk. SAY NO TO RACISM, BIGOTRY AND RED-BAITING!
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