On August 3, a white supremacist
attacked a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing at least 22 and
wounding dozens more. Espousing racist conspiracy theories about a
“Hispanic invasion,” the killer’s murderous rampage was
cold-blooded—and appeared to target Latinx people. It’s only the
latest high-profile act of white supremacist violence. And it comes
at a time when Donald Trump and other Republican politicians are
mainstreaming racist rhetoric.
Faced with this climate, many
well-meaning people are looking for a way to counter the very real
danger of white supremacist violence. Some Washington
Post columnists, CNN guests,
the FBI
Agents Association and presidential hopeful Joe
Biden are touting one particular “solution”: to create a
new law countering “domestic terrorism.”
The argument is simple: Due to a
lack of a domestic terrorism statute, the FBI is somehow powerless to
stop these acts of violence. Such a law would grant the FBI more
surveillance powers. A new domestic terrorism statute would allow the
agency to investigate and prosecute far-right violence.
But this approach is misguided—and
dangerous. First of all, the FBI is not an ally in the fight against
racism. It has, in fact, often thwarted racial justice advocates and
continues to be defined by deep-seated institutional racism. With
many activists rejecting the carceral state or counterterrorism
framework, and embracing police and prison abolition,
whether a law enforcement agency can ever counter white supremacy is
a subject of debate.
What is extremely clear is that the
FBI has extraordinary tools at its disposal.
It operates under the loosest guidelines
at any point since the post-Hoover era reforms. These current
guidelines allow the FBI to investigate an individual without any
factual predicate that the person has committed a crime or poses
a threat to national security. The FBI is allowed to attend public
meetings without disclosing its participation. The FBI has conducted
counterterrorism investigations into nonviolent leftwing groups,
including civil rights organizations. In other words, the FBI is
hardly powerless to investigate and surveil activities it labels
“domestic terrorism.” The FBI’s history of abuse, in fact,
raises a troubling likelihood: A domestic terrorism law would almost
certainly be used to silence leftwing dissent.
Sweeping powers
In addition to having the power to
investigate domestic terrorism, the FBI also has plenty of statutes
it can rely on. While it is true that “domestic terrorism” is not
a stand-alone offense under U.S. law, neither is
“international terrorism.” It is a crime to provide material
support to a State-Department-designated “Foreign Terrorist
Organization”—a statute frequently invoked by those claiming the
FBI is powerless to
fight domestic terrorism.
This, however, is not the only
terrorism-related law. Dozens of laws apply to domestic terrorism,
making the claims about the lack of domestic terrorism laws specious.
One statute makes it a crime to provide material support for the
commission of “federal crimes of terrorism.” This statute
explicitly lists 57 preexisting laws as federal crimes of terrorism.
An analysis by
the Brennan Center for Justice found that, of these 57 federal crimes
of terrorism, “51 of them, or 89 percent, are applicable to both
international and domestic terrorism.” This is on top of multiple
hate crimes statues and numerous other basic criminal laws, like
those against racketeering or conspiracy, that clearly would apply to
white supremacist violence.
There also exists a highly specific
domestic terrorism law, which illustrates how such legislation can be
designed specifically to thwart dissent. Congress passed the Animal
Enterprise Terrorism Act, which makes it illegal to damage or
interfere with an animal enterprise causing it to lose profits. This
law has been used to prosecute animal rights activists who free
mink destined to be slaughtered on commercial fur farms.
Making up the rules
In order to understand how the FBI
conducts investigations, it’s important to realize that the Bureau
plays by its own rules. There is no charter from Congress defining
how much evidence is required for the FBI to open an investigation.
While some of the most intrusive surveillance techniques, like
wiretaps or national security letters, are regulated by statute,
Congress has little else to say about when and why the FBI can use
specific investigatory techniques. Although a statute authorizes the
FBI to investigate crime, many of its national security powers
instead come from executive orders. For the last four decades, the
questions of when, why and how the FBI conducts investigations have
been largely regulated by the Attorney General. While this move was
ostensibly intended as a reform, leaving such authority to the
Attorney General has allowed for a gradual expansion of FBI powers.
In the mid-1970s, the public, the
media, Congress and
even the Comptroller
General of the United States, began to scrutinize the FBI’s
use of its domestic intelligence authorities to surveil and even
disrupt lawful, political activity. As part of an effort to rein in
the FBI’s political surveillance and stave off public criticism, in
1976 Attorney General Edward H. Levi issued guidelines to regulate
the FBI’s investigatory powers. Levi’s guidelines have since been
succeeded by new guidelines promulgated by subsequent Attorneys
General. However, the Attorney General Guidelines remain the main
mechanism for defining and regulating the scope of the FBI’s
As part of a these reforms
ostensibly meant to move the FBI away from broad “political
intelligence” investigations and reorient it towards investigations
of violations of the federal code, the FBI in 1976 moved the
responsibility for investigating domestic terrorism from the FBI’s
Intelligence Division to its Criminal Investigation Division.
International terrorism, on the other hand, was considered to be a
“foreign counter intelligence” matter. Until 2008, there existed
separate guidelines for general crime, racketeering and domestic
security/terrorism investigations on the one hand, and foreign
counterintelligence investigations on the other hand. In other words,
domestic and international terrorism were to be treated differently.
Since the foreign counterintelligence guidelines were supposedly
largely meant to deal with foreign spies, saboteurs and terrorists,
they were less protective of civil liberties and partially
When it comes to spying on dissent,
the FBI is remarkably resourceful and inventive—and it has used its
powers to violate civil liberties in foreign terrorism cases to crack
down domestically. Take, for example, the FBI’s surveillance of
opponents of Ronald Reagan’s Central American policy. In the 1980s,
the FBI surveilled the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El
Salvador’s (CISPES). Even though CISPES was a domestic group,
involved in domestic political activity, and the investigation took
place entirely in the U.S., the FBI argued that CISPES might be
connected to armed groups in El Salvador’s civil war. As a result,
the FBI classified its investigation as an international terrorism
investigation and used the looser guidelines (no connection to
terrorism was ever discovered).
Attorney General William French
Smith under Ronald Reagan and Attorney General John Ashcroft under
George W. Bush both rewrote the guidelines to make them significantly
less protective of civil liberties. The most dramatic changes came in
2008, when in the waning months of the Bush Administration, Attorney
General Michael Mukasey created radically new guidelines—which
remain in place today. Explicitly arguing for
the need to “eliminate the remnants of the old ‘wall’ between
foreign intelligence and domestic law enforcement,” Mukasey issued
a unitary set of guidelines for general crime, national security and
foreign counterintelligence operations. Thus, the FBI agents no
longer operated under differing standards for opening and carrying
out domestic terrorism versus international terrorism investigations.
(The internal structure of the FBI has also been reorganized since
the reforms of the 1970s. Both international and domestic terrorism
are now handled by the Counterterrorism Division, which is part of
the FBI’s National Security Branch.)
The current Mukasey guidelines
create two overarching types of FBI investigations of individuals:
predicated investigations and assessments. While predicated
investigations require having a factual reason to think the subject
has some nexus to criminal activity or a national security threat, an
assessment requires no such justification. Thanks to the Mukasey
guidelines, the FBI can investigate people without any evidence of a
In addition to the current loose
standards for opening an investigation in general, the FBI's own
domestic terrorism investigations show how easily the agency
manipulates the term, in stark contrast to those who say the FBI
lacks enough authority. Using its domestic terrorism authorities, the
FBI has surveilled both Occupy
Wall Street and the School
of Americas Watch, even though it acknowledged both groups were
nonviolent or had peaceful intentions. The FBI reasoned that a
future, hypothetical “lone offender” or “militant group”
could infiltrate the movements to carry out unspecified threats. The
FBI’s domestic terrorism investigation of School of the Americas
Watch carried on for 10 years. A 2010 Department of Justice Office of
the Inspector General (OIG) report looked
at FBI monitoring of domestic advocacy groups from 2001 to 2006,
including PETA, Greenpeace and the Catholic Worker movement.
One of the terrorism investigations
reviewed involved a 2003 incident where an alleged member of the
Catholic Worker movement smashed a glass window and threw red paint
at a military recruitment station. An email claiming responsibility
stated the act was carried out “on behalf of the people of Iraq who
suffered under Saddam Hussein and now suffer under the United
States.” The OIG decided that since the act involved a “use of
force or violence” (throwing red paint and smashing window) to
achieve a political goal it, was—under FBI policy—proper to
investigate it as domestic terrorism.
The OIG made a similar conclusion
about a 2004 act of civil disobedience at a military recruitment
station, determining that protesters spilling blood on the walls, an
American flag and pictures constituted a use of force or violence for
political ends.
The FBI is hardly hamstrung in
investigating domestic terrorism. Instead, the FBI has overly broad
powers that it routinely relies on to surveil dissent.
Institutional racism
During a 2016 rally organized by
the white supremacist Traditionalist Worker Party, white supremacists
stabbed counter-protesters with the civil rights group By Any Means
Necessary (Bamn). The FBI responded by opening up a domestic
terrorism investigation—into Bamn. Additionally, the FBI
misidentified Traditionalist Worker Party as the Ku Klux Klan and
considered opening an investigation into Bamn for conspiring to
violate the rights of the Ku Klux Klan. The FBI’s documents
describe the Ku Klux Klan as a group that “consisted of members
that some perceived to be supportive of a white supremacist agenda.”
That the FBI would respond to an
incident of white supremacist violence by investigating the victims
as terrorists doesn’t merely illustrate how the FBI doesn’t need
any new powers to investigate terrorism. It illustrates how the FBI
uses those powers to police political activism and has a deep-seated
problem with institutional racism.
The Bamn investigation is part of a
much larger picture. The FBI issued an outrageous and baseless
intelligence assessment in August of 2017 on the threat of “Black
Identity Extremism.” According to this analysis, African-American
perceptions of racism are likely to lead to violence against police
officers. By treating opposition to racism as a precursor to
violence, this analysis is inherently criminalizing of Black dissent.
Former FBI Director James Comey publicly touted the
Ferguson Effect, an entirely debunked theory arguing that protests
against police brutality lead to an uptick of crime. Historically,
while the FBI had tasked informants with infiltrating and disrupting
the Ku Klux Klan, it knew in advance about planned violence against
the Freedom Riders and
took no action.
The FBI’s institutional racism is
further demonstrated by its own distinction between domestic and
international terrorism. Federal statutes define domestic terrorism
and international terrorism as identical, except for one key
difference. Domestic terrorism takes place in the US, international
terrorism does not. The FBI, however, ignores these
statutory definitions. Instead, the FBI classifies as international
terrorism any acts inspired by “foreign ideologies.” The FBI
considers Jihadist ideology to be a foreign ideology. Therefore,
nearly any terrorist act in which the alleged perpetrator is Muslim
is classified as international terrorism. This is true even
if the alleged perpetrator is a U.S. citizen, has no contacts outside
the country, and carries out the alleged act in the U.S.
Hatem Abudayyeh is the executive
director of the Arab American Action Network, a social justice
organization based in Chicago. He tells In
These Times, “If more
funding goes to the feds, that expansion of the state is going to go
after us. It's going to come down on our communities—Arab, Muslim,
Latinx, Black, Native—all the social justice organizers around the
country who come under attack by law enforcement because we're
resisting Trump's policies and trying to build a better world.”
Abudayyeh has reason to be
concerned. Donald Trump has tweeted that Antifa should be labeled a
terrorist organization, and Ted Cruz has sponsored a nonbinding
resolution urging that Antifa be declared a domestic terrorism
organization. Antifa, which is short for Anti-Fascism, is an
ideology, not the name of an organization. Further, technically
speaking, no mechanism exists to classify domestic groups as
terrorist organizations. The Obama Administration cited this
when responding to a WhiteHouse.Org petition urging it to
classify Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization. While this
may not be a statutory designation, politicians and law enforcement
conflating political movements with terrorism is far from harmless.
It demonizes these movements, greenlights repression, and chills
people from engaging in protected political activity for fear of
being associated with terrorism. In the past, when the FBI declared
animal rights and eco-terrorists the number one domestic terrorist
threat, this contributed to a climate of repression,
surveillance and aggressive prosecution.
White supremacist violence is real.
It threatens some of the most vulnerable communities amongst us. But
expanding the powers of the FBI or creating a new domestic terrorism
law is not a solution. Contrary to the handwringing of cable news
guests, reviews of existing statues or the FBI’s own domestic
terrorism investigations show the claim that the FBI is lacking in
powers is patently false. New laws aren’t only unnecessary, they
would be actively harmful. The FBI has a long history of acting as
the political police, including against civil rights groups. A new
domestic terrorism law will only be used further repress these
In the words of Fatema Ahmad,
deputy director of the Muslim Justice League, a civil rights
organization, “We need to get serious about addressing violence by
starting at the root causes, like white supremacy, rather than
attempting to predict individual instances or expanding the power of
institutions that have long upheld white supremacy.”
>> The article above was written by Chip Gibbons, and is reprinted from In These Times.
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