Following are major excerpts from
an interview with Socialist Action’s vice presidential candidate
Heather Bradford that appeared on the Third Party Second Bananas
Heather Bradford is the running
mate with presidential candidate Jeff Mackler on the Socialist Action
ticket for 2020. She is the organizer of the Socialist Action branch
in Duluth, Minn., and works as a women’s advocate at a domestic
violence shelter, at an abortion clinic, and as a public school
teacher. Bradford has been a longtime activist in the LGBT,
environmental, feminist, and antiwar movements.
Q. How did you arrive at
becoming a member of Socialist Action?
Heather Bradford: When I was
in my early 20s and attending college, my major was International
Studies. Through my coursework, I quickly learned that much of the
world was impoverished and lacked access to such basic things as
food, medicine, and clean water.
I also learned that global
suffering was connected to the policies of organizations such as the
IMF, World Trade Organization, and World Bank, which played a role in
perpetuating colonial relationships based upon economic exploitation.
I also recognized that the Untied States has played a sinister role
in destabilizing countries through war, support of dictatorships,
economic coercion, and overthrowing democratically elected
governments that leaned toward socialism.
The more I learned about the state
of the world, the more I saw patterns that indicated a systemic
problem and the more I began to identify with socialism.
At the same time, I believed that
socialism had gone extinct as a movement. I believed it was
something that must have died off decades ago. But to my
surprise, I found that Duluth had its own socialist group! I sought
out the only socialist group in my city, which was Socialist Action,
and I have been a member ever since.
Q. Socialist Action has been
described as Trotskyist. Could you explain to us how that makes SA
different from other political parties on the left?
H.B.: That’s a great
question with a lengthy answer! One difference between Socialist
Action and some other socialist parties is that we do not provide any
support to candidates of the Democratic Party. We call on workers to
break with the Democratic Party, as we believe it is fundamentally
and inevitably a party of the ruling class. As such, it will always
promote U.S. imperialism and the immiseration of workers around the
Our staunch refusal to support the
Democratic Party (or any capitalist party, such as the Green
Party)differentiates us from some other socialist groups. Though, it
is important to note that from time to time, we support the
candidates of like-minded socialist parties and would support the
formation of a Labor Party within the U.S.
At the same time, we believe in the
right of oppressed groups such as women, LGBT, oppressed racial
minorities and nationalities to form autonomous movements to fight
for their interests. We believe that the liberation of these
oppressed groups is an essential component of working towards
socialist revolution, which is itself an important component of our
core ideology.
We are revolutionary socialists
whose aim is the overthrow of capitalism. While working toward the
goal of revolution, we support reforms that challenge the structures
of oppression inherent to capitalism.
Revolution must be international,
worker led, and socialist in nature (rather than in stages or
[limited to] one country). Some socialists agree on some of these
principles and not on others, or interpret them differently. This is
a short answer to what is otherwise a long and complex question.
Q: Throughout American
history, I observe progressive groups are presented with an infinity
of directions since they are pioneers (abolitionists, suffragists,
socialists, etc.), and as such they have intense disagreements over
which direction to go and method to use. I mention this because, as I
was looking at the background of Socialist Action, it seems your
party is not immune from this historical pattern, receiving more
criticism from the left than from the right. What do you think it
would take to unite the leftist political parties?
H.B.: Left political parties
can and often do work together in mass movements. Socialist Action
believes in forming united fronts, which allow us to converge with
other leftists on issues we can agree upon.
Because the two-parties capitalist
electoral system is rigged against us, we don’t think that
elections are really where socialists are going to be the most
effective. We can make the most impact by building independent
movements that put pressure on the political system or economy.
Movements for immigrant rights, antiwar, women’s rights, LGBT
rights, better wages and working conditions, housing, prison reform
or abolition, and so on are arenas where leftists can work together.
Of course, leftists come together
with their unique histories, rivalries, and perspectives, which can
hinder cooperation and movement building. Sometimes, fighting
also stems from the fatigue and demoralization of the long-haul
fight against capitalism. But movement work can bring us together.
The formation of a Labor Party
would also be a vehicle for smaller socialist parties to collaborate.
The militant labor struggle required for the creation of such a party
would hopefully draw socialists together.
Q: What do you make of a
segment of the working class being dazzled by Trump with what some
would call an almost cult-like fervor?
H.B.: Around 43% of Americans
did not vote in 2016, so there is a large swath of the U.S.
population that was not enamored enough by Trump or Clinton to bother
voting. According to Gallup, Trump’s approval rating is 40%, which
is lower than the average approval rating of 53% for presidents since
1935. Trump certainly appeals to a segment of the population, which
represents the failure of the left to effectively organize workers
and offer them a meaninglful alternative to voting for racism,
sexism, and xenophobia.
Trump seemed like an outsider and
anti-establishment to some voters. I think it is also important to
note that racial minorities overwhelmingly did not vote for Trump.
The American working class is often imagined as white and male, but
racial minorities, women (when including racial minority women), and
people with incomes under $50,000 a year did not vote for Trump.
The task of socialists is to
continue to support the interests and liberation of the most
oppressed segments of the working class (women, racial minorities,
sexual/gender minorities, etc.), offer real solutions to workers who
have been duped by Trump, and fight real and terrifying elements of
racism and reaction that have been emboldened by Trump.
Q: The Republican playbook for
2020 appears to be painting the Democrats as “socialist.” I
gather from the SA website that even Bernie Sanders and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez are considered as servants of the ruling class rather
than the working class?
H.B.: I think we are entering
an age wherein socialism has lost its teeth as an insult. Republicans
may have to change the language of their putdowns as socialism
becomes increasingly popular. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has
done nothing to earn the honor of being called socialist. Bernie
Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez muddy the water a bit by
invoking the language of socialism, without really clarifying what
precisely this means.
As you recall, I became a socialist
through internationalism. Socialism means standing against
imperialism, which is characterized by the international dominance of
monopoly and financial capitalism of a few powerful countries. It is
the duty of socialists to stand against U.S. power as an expression
of imperialism.
At the same time, socialism should
be international. How could any socialist, which is a movement based
upon the power and liberation of workers, tolerate wars or foreign
policies that harm other workers? Yet, Bernie Sanders has supported
U.S. foreign policy, stated that he wants a strong military, has
approved U.S. military spending, and supports U.S. wars such as in
Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. Both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez sent
mixed messages about U.S. intervention in Venezuela.
Even if they clarified what they
meant by socialism into a cohesive ideology that seeks to end
capitalism, the Democratic Party is not the vehicle to
accomplish socialism. It is a party that supports U.S. power around
the world and ultimately harms workers here and abroad by supporting
militarism, financial institutions, corporate interests, and the
maintenance of private capital. These things should be anathema to
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